Lady J wrote:BLUESTAR wrote:Lady J wrote:Just wanted to say Hi and Howdy to you, Bluestar and welcome aboard.

I cannot answer your question at all, I am sorry to say. But I am certain there are others here who will be able to better converse with you on this topic.
Stick around though and feel free to join in anywhere you please.

Hi there Lady J
Thanks for the welcome! and I'm sure there is people who think outside the box on this forum who will converse on the topic at hand! but I wont hold my breath! lol
You're welcome Bluestar and there probably a lot of people who DO think outside the box around here and will join in. Me, I try not to think too much at all. It hurts. :wink: j/k!
Hi Lady J
I like the way that link writes a different perspective! Very fitting! Below, are some experiences I encountered. What does this board make of them? The experiences I present below, are true! I would like to hear your perspective on them, if at all you can understand them
can only describe it as being taught the elements by a spirit "through synchronicities", and the understanding of the spirit ego. When I was in the Father, I would be attacked by unseen spirits that would pull out reflections of my ego's spirit, and teach me how to overcome it. When I fully understood them at the end of my "tutoring" so to speak, this is what I experienced towards the end of my separation from ego!!
The First One
I was sitting at my Pc reading thru papers on Mythology, and so on, then it was as if a pulse hit me and I was vibrating from the inside, my whole body was shaking from the inside out, then all of a sudden I was underneath the Sphinx in a small chamber. I was led in there by a character called Thoth, don't ask me how I know it was him, I just knew it was him, on some unconscious level. Anyway, as I was led into this chamber, there appeared two......the only way I can describe this is, two orbs, then these orbs merged into one big Orb, and out of this ball of light appeared two what looked to me like, Reptilians, as described in some of the online stories about them. They were about 7-8 feet tall, and as they appeared in front of me, they asked me the riddle of the sphinx, and I answered the question correctly, and then I was led out of this chamber by Thoth, up a long corridor, on a slight hill gradient going upwards, I'd say this corridor was somewhere in the region of maybe 100 feet long, and in the middle of it, there was a slight opening, supported with pillars. And that's all I remember, This was the first of many strange experiences
The Second One
Same thing again with the pulsating feeling! There I go again. One thing I do remember from all these experiences is that my body is shaking from the inside out. This time I appeared right in front of a black hole. And I remember a voice saying to me, "Which way do you want to go?" and I flew to the right of the black hole, up towards a star called Sirius as I believe it to be, that was my first impression of what star it was, but I have a second impression of it being Eta Carina... As I approached this star it had a ring around its centre. As I approached it I opened it and climbed inside the star. End of experience
The Third One
In experience three, where I was in spirit again, I ascended up to the Father and the Mother. The Father said to me, "Come out of her!"!? Now this was the spirit I was playing out on the Earth for seven years. This was the moment when I realised for the first time, who this spirit was that was forcing my will, it was the spirit of Mars, the Father. The Mother, presented herself as Venus. So the spirit I was the spirit of Mars, Father Urbain Grandier. When he told me to come out of her, I replied with "You're not God!"!? I didn't think about it, I just said it! I pondered there for a second, looking at these two, fighting each other. The ego of Mars, fighting the ego of Venus?
As I looked at them, I could see her expression, as if to say, "This is what I'm up against!"!? And I could hear his expression, as if to say, "All I want is love!"!? And all she wanted was to separate me from the Fathers influence, for what purpose I don't know fully,. As I sat there looking at these two, I thought, what should I do now? Then I found myself, all of a sudden saying, "I will be myself!"
I then went to the right hand side of the Father, putting myself into a blue sphere. This is something to do with magnetism, and vibration of colour. Mars was in red, Venus in green, and me in blue. As I went into this blue sphere, mercury!, I found myself ascending above the Father and the Mother. As I passed between these two bodies, I found myself piercing through some kind of veil, where in my sight, all I could see, was like a harvest of eggs, as if I had just pierced out of one, and could see past the veil. So, I went to the closest one to me, and I went inside it, and it was a repeat of the egg I had just come out of, maybe some kind of parallel universe. As I entered this egg, the Father and the Mother were at the top of it again, and I sat myself down in the same blue star as I was in the previous egg/universe, and I said to myself, "It's just the same as the other one!" So I flew back out, back into my original egg, or should I say, our own part of space. This experience was in the Virgo constellation, where Mars and Venus were residing at the time. And I found myself sat there again, at the side of the Father and the Mother.
After this, to the right of me, there was a female spirit, who was dark in colour. She placed her hand on my head, and said to me, "You have opened the " fifth seal !" She then asked what I was going to do with the last two. I told her she could have them.
I then found myself back in the blue star, at the side of the Father. I thought to myself, what should I do now!? Then the answer came to me. I must fall for a dark Queen, in South Africa. As I was falling towards the Earth, I found myself landing on the moon, and I could sense the Fathers anguish, because of my fall. From the moon, I began to fall again, until I landed on a dusty road in South Africa. I was surrounded by people, all staring and talking. End of experience.
The date of this experience was 3th December 2002, and Mars and Venus were in the constellation Virgo. Please look at your astrological maps on this one, and see if this makes sense .
The Final Experience
I was in spirit again, but it was emphasized that I had to be guided by spirit on this journey, because it was in a part of space where I could get lost. After what seems like only a few seconds, I found myself appearing in front of this giant black hole, and this spirit/entity, in human form, was pointing towards the direction of this black hole, and telling me, that MY God, was in there!? As I looked at this black hole, it looked as if there were two structures, one at each side of the black hole. I can only describe them as resembling the Coliseum, only split in half, creating two stadiums like structures. But the structures were one solid mass, grey and dull in appearance, with no doors or windows. I got the impression; this was a gathering place for the spirits or angels, whatever dwells at this place. The only way I can describe these two structures, is as being some kind of complex, like an hotel, where many dwelled.
These two structures were massive. Overlooking the black hole and the complex, was a giant entity, the only way I can describe this entity, is like the fire demon Balrog, out of Lord of the Rings, who Gandalf fought. This entity dwarfed this complex, as if he was the caretaker of this place. To the left of the black hole, was a giant cathedral, bigger than the complex the entities were dwelling in. They gave me the impression that our God was inside this black hole. Strange place!. End of experience
I'd say this next bit was probably the end of the chapter of this 7 years or so experience. Still ongoing, but not as intense as the 7 year period I went through
At the end of this, I was channelled again, but this time I had to be in a place called Silbury Hill, Avebury, so I could embed this consciousness or this energy I had fetched back, and embed it into the Earth grid, and maybe even into the stars, I don't fully understand. But when I arrived at this place, it was as if my soul, already understood what was going on, but I couldn't quite fully understand it myself, so I just sort of went with the flow. We also went inside the Druid burial chamber at West Kennet Barrow, across from Silbury Hill. This by the way happened on 8th November 2003, on what people refer to as the Harmonic concordance. This was also a star of david alignment, so I'm led to believe. with a Lunar eclipse.
Anyway, we were inside the chamber, and an old female Druid done her chants, and a little sing song on her mandolin, then we positioned ourselves into a five pointed star, representing the planets above. I found myself representing Saturn, none of this was planned in advance by the way, it literally just happened as we went along. As this ceremony ended inside the chamber, I went outside. I began walking up the hill behind the chamber, and everyone just sort of followed me, as if they were being led by me!!?? When we stopped at the top of the hill, a woman called Jude Curravan turned up and finished the ceremony. I think this experience was something to do with the Harmonic Concordance as well.
What do you make of it