Your passenger has no idea what they're talking about and could very well have endangered everyone in the car.
You're the driver. The horn is yours. I don't have to look up the law because this has more to do with insurance than the law. But if you'd like to see a cite, here ya go:
The scenario had nothing to do with safety. Your passenger was 100% wrong.
Guess who would be responsible if the distraction of the horn blowing caused an accident? Beyond whatever fault of the other driver, it's not your passenger. It's you.
If she wants so badly to honk the horn, then change drivers. Hell, I would have done it in the parking lot, but I'm a mean girl.
Your passenger is a foolish, selfish idiot - trying to get someone to shake a leg to get into a handicapped spot? Are they for real? - and feel free to tell her I said so.