Why does this matter? I mean their are so many out their the list goes on.
Malice is the canned X-box launch title. You could obviously see why.
Maria sisters is a Mario clone but girls ( they remade one for the NDS but it was lame from my understanding.
Beyond Good and Evil ( still being made ) was possible the greatest game on the earth. Just because the character is a girl.
Where is Carmen Sandie-ago and it's variants. I think they made one 3d game that was actually fun ( action wise ). Beyond that the tv series, a villion ( more then one ) that was women and fun.
"Shock Troopers" had playable female characters along with "Metal Slug"
"Rockman" ( both the PSP and fan made game "Rock n Roll" ).
Adventures of Miss Bonne Tron on the PSX ( really enjoy this ).
"Resident Evil" series ( not to mention always had ).
"Rumble Roses" ( the PS2 ) was the last good game. PS2 had many.
"Go Go Mischief/Trouble Makers" ( Every Treasure game is a hoot )
"Crash Bandicoot Remakes" ( Some have playable stages and alternate characters.
"Super Princess Peach" ( I guess on the NDS ). Again she was always idependent...oh wait that was Toadstool.
"Mirrors Edge"
"Metroid" all games.
"Psi-Ops" ( forget name but like Tomb Raider in late GCN/XBOX/PS2 days
"Splat" I think a game on the XBOX with PVC suite girl.
"Advent Rising" PSP ( this is a canceled game but levels in the PC game could be accessed as well. It had ( again had ) a mode where you could choose between a female and male protagonist. In fact your final enemy is changed based off the choice of gender your able to save during the beginning of the game itself. Part of this content was cut from the original game as it was meant to link up to the PSP game which was canceled. Really nice game. If it did have the female part she would have been a ship-captain/pilot.
"Perfect Dark" AKA the best FPS with no magical powers or martial arts using licensed James Bond weapons.
"Ghost 1.0" - which is a game about a stereotypical robot futuristic anime girl. You clear rooms and story progresses "Mini ghost" is a mini NES looking game with SNES/Arcade like levels.
"Haydee" - Like a perverted Metroid ( almost ) but they are all dolls and you spend most of your time looking at legs and body parts while gaining access to other dolls. The sequel is more about a real life person ( still a doll ) but now with bio-monsters roaming the halls.
"Lost Ruins" - really nice anime girl game similar to
"Pockey and Rocky" - Their are so many Magical girl games what makes this game different it is about a Shrine Maiden and her Racoon buddy, and later her accompanied by a replacement. Literally like "La blue girl" but a game.
So many of them out their. Honestly I find it stupid for anybody to care.