They are waiting for me to die.
So that they can peck my eyes out.
Oh cruel, cruel fate.
It's because I'm lying face-down naked in a fountain with bird seed jammed in my ass.
I really know how to have a good time.
kickycan wrote:It's because I'm lying face-down naked in a fountain with bird seed jammed in my ass.
I really know how to have a good time.
Ya got someone making pictures there too? Wouldnt want to let a delicious moment like that just get lost in the haze of time...
Heeven wrote:nimh wrote:Good point Eva. Perhaps she knows why every time I poke my nose out of the door, there's this creature staring at me:

<looks over shoulder>
Just cause you're ornithophobic, doesnt mean you're not being followed...
Is it because you are a rotting carcass and the birds are vultures?
because i'm a london pimp
You know it's hard out here for a pimp.
My friend once raised a blue jay that fell from a nest... its name was cricket... that damn thing learned how to talk. you'd here it up stairs durring the day screaming into the empty house, "moooooommmm, let me ouuuuuut. mommmmmy? mommmmy?" God as my witness, that little blue jay could talk. it said a few other things too, like "huuuungry" and "hello?". it was creepy. sounded just like a very small child.
I hate birds, and i do believe they hate me. parrots dont count, just every other bird under 1lb in size.
Damn birds. stink'n **** machines. beady little eyed life sucking monsters.
Well humming birds are pretty. And so are the tropical birds that live no where near lovely new york. But starlings.... ick, and pigeons we should feed them rat poison, and all the other ones that wake me up with the sun.
Good grief.
And what was that I read on another thread about kindness and respect being replaced by selfishness and greed (I'm paraphrasing) and love missing in our lives...could this be the same person???
i told you its a cancer than will consume us all....
i probably should admit though all the times i myself have recued birds beynd repair from the jaws of stealthy neighborhood cats... or all the little sparrows a feed while eating in saratoga, or the swallows i sing to in the barn.
Theyre still annoying though. stupid noisy popping... but they are cute while taking dust baths in my gardens...
Do not give in to the cancer. Keep saving those birds and appreciating them for...whatever.
kickycan wrote:It's because I'm lying face-down naked in a fountain with bird seed jammed in my ass.
I really know how to have a good time.
So you like a pecker in your ass, huh?
*fights the cancer* $%!&!! cant i just have emotional turrets? or however you spell it.
Naughty girl - I think you have it bad for Kicky.
Thats quite a pecker youve got there, Heeven...