You ... know ... miyako ... while embracing your well-thought out theory, maybe the best recourse is to eliminate the white man. This would seem to solve the genocide problem (and cultural one as well). How we succeed in implementing this, however, presents us with a formidable task.
Essentially, removing all traces of the white hegemonic mindset would allow the African countries to finally gain what the white man has long deprived them of having. Think of this: Doing such, we would all then bask in the newfound cultural and economic glory that is going to be representative of such African bastions of liberty as Liberia, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo, to name but a few of the many African success stories.
Of course, to do this, we would have to turn to ashes such beacons of defamation as England, France, and Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and non-urban areas within the USA, to name but a few of the ill-players. But, my dearest miyako, with much preservation, persistence, and perfidy, the "final solution" would be favorable to all of mankind.
Miyako, your "insight into this incite" is remarkable, coherent, and conducive towards gaining the trust of all future mankind. Thank you for your welcoming words of sanctimonious proportions. You are a veritable sage. - David Lyga