The Jews presume anyone opposing them, has a psychiatric disorder.
And they keep this in silence, with their racial inferiors, their servants, both adopted and illegally migrated in the view of American law of Gentiles, the Native Americans and Latinos this country is based on.
The Jews don't understand social science, or their schooling, and neither do their adopted babies, those reading comics and watching videos and movies and anime, as if you can learn from that.
What is the reference, to an academic topic, if taken in position of a wrestler or boxer or martial artist or shoot fighter, transferred from observation of prizefighting and into text, made possible with Hebrew?
What is the education one can receive with comics or video games or anime or film or common television, as if it can replace a duty to school and country, from quiet study in your academic program, instead of a smile and a laugh and a silent frown, having not pleased your false emblem of pride, your diminished dagger at claim of minority law for representation?