Yeah, we just had to replace our refrigerator after only ten years. The Motherboard went and they can't replace it (don't make it anymore). Same thing happened with our first big screen TV. Both repairmen (yes, I called for repairs) said they were made to go quickly, but also that the technology changes so fast. Maybe I should order a new Motherboard for my fridge? Gah.
You know, I drove a '63 Pontiac for 10 years. I bought it in 1983. It died when it was 30 years old. I loved that car. You could put a bunch of kids in the back and a bunch of bicycles in the trunk and it was only a 6 cyl so didn't take a lot of gas.
I can't get a battery for this Mac, so when it blows up, it's a new one, and the new ones don't have a USB port (it's a new one called Lightning, I believe) so how the hell am I going to print or download photos from my phone? I have to buy a bloody adaptor.
Did you hear that the EU was talking about forcing ALL device makers to use the same cables? It's all about the thrown out cables cluttering up the landfills. They should all be interchangeable.
Irons, lamps, TVs, radios have the same plugs as everything else in your home, so why not have a universal device cable?