I was with you for a while. Until –
So, why are school shootings so sexy that we need to splash them across the headlines for days?
"Sexy"? Really? Part of your penchant for labeling things as various examples of "porn"? I'm surprised you didn't say the attention paid to school shootings was "silly" and work "ideological narrative©" into the response. And accuse people who worry of being scaredy-cats.
Look, use your head. There have been
21 school shootings since August 1. As ubiquitous as they have become, they are still horrific, and yes,
they are a big problem in the US. No, tens of thousands schoolkids aren't being killed every year, but, as with the pandemic, the mere number of fatalities isn't the main issue. It's how the danger affects the educational process. Cops walking in the halls, active shooter drills, metal detectors, parents and students living with a low level of dread. It casts a spell. And it's natural to wonder what went wrong in some student's head and what might have been done to prevent the incident.
Quote:These school shootings should be treated as a local story.
If and when they ever are, it'll mean they have become so normal as to be commonplace and expected. Luckily we're not at that stage yet. I do think that masking the identity of the shooter might be a good idea. Achieving notoriety is considered to be one of the goals of these shooters.