Quote:No Hightor... it is not a "weird kid thing".
Actually it is. A normal kid doesn't kill fellow students. When school violence is related to gangs and drugs these are understood as aspects of criminality which are often found in marginal communities. As a result, they don't tend to make national headlines. In wealthier communities, schools often have less problems with discipline. So if we take your claim that cases where a kid enters school with the intention of killing random classmates is only one per year, that is all the more reason for the media to pick up on this as an isolated statistically rare incident which fits into a pattern, a frightening pattern which has tended to follow a program based on the Columbine massacre.
Quote:There are millions of kids who are "weird".
And when just one of them takes a gun to school and shoots other students it makes the headlines.
The danger to this overreaction is that schools will clamp down on any non-conformity.
I doubt that. There have always been weird kids, loners, people who didn't fit stereotypes. When I was in high school we were lectured about "non-conformity". In the crowd I hung with,
that inspired us to pursue a non-conformist lifestyle. We never envisioned killing anyone, though.
Quote:Hightor is confusing the terms.
No. You're the one who is confused. The article I referred to said there were 21 school shootings since August 1st. Are you saying that they're not significant if they're related to gang violence and drug related incidents and shouldn't be included in the aggregate number of shootings?
Quote:Hyping this up into a national incident ...
is a nationally significant incident. Precisely because it doesn't happen often. "Man bites dog". The media reports this stuff.
Quote:...and instilling fear in middle-class White women is an overreaction.
Look, if people are so sensitive and fearful that they can't take the time to look at the facts which you have laid out – that the chances of a mass shooting incident happening in any one school are really slim – the answer isn't to bury the news. These "middle-class White women" you're so worried about, as if that were the only demographic significantly concerned, you're basically saying that they're too stupid to see the picture that you present. I think they are a lot more resilient than you give them credit for.
Quote:Demonizing 10,000 weird kids who have done nothing wrong because you are afraid of 1 shooting a year?
You've got it backwards. No one is "demonizing weird kids". When a traumatized, likely suicidal, kid shoots fellow students at random he simply fits the picture of a troubled loner, one among many varieties of weird kids, most of whom are harmless. We do this all the time. We refer to jocks, geeks, and nerds, too. If they don't seem to march in step with the rest of the student body they may get labeled as "weird". It doesn't mean they are likely to kill anyone. It doesn't mean they are "disturbed". It doesn't indicate sociopathology.
The real problem is the place of firearms in our cultural imagination, the sheer number of weapons out there, and the ease of their procurement.