Quote:I believe only intelligent people should be allowed to vote.
Intelligence isn't the metric by which to determine who votes. There are people with PHDs who will tell you with a straight face that there are more than two biological genders. These people aren't dumb, so why are they saying something that is provably false?
Values should determine who votes.
In a democracy all that one groups needs is a 51% majority to oppress the rest of the people.
The people who are allowed to vote should be chosen based on civil service and whether or not they are a net taxpayer. People who have served in the military deserve to be able to vote because they served their country. People who pay a net amount in taxes deserve to vote because they have a vested interest in where their own money is spent. People who aren't taxpayers don't care how much money is wasted because it's not their own money.
Some older people are mentally competent, but the boomers are the most selfish generation that ever existed. The boomers were born into a time in history with unprecedented opportunity, and what did they do? They voted themselves other people's money. Simply because they could.
One thing that boomers value above all else is social security. They don't care if they ruin the future of all the generations that come after them, as long as they get all the free money. Never mind if everyone born after them pays into the system but never gets to see one dime of their own money back.
Boomers are without a doubt the most selfish, arrogant, and stupid generation. That's why they talk down to everyone younger than them, even though they did nothing to make America as strong as it once was. That strength was because of the sacrifice of the greatest generation and the silent generation. The boomers have just been milking the tits of everything that they didn't work to earn.
I think the car accidents were meant as an example. But teenagers have the opportunity to grow and mature whereas the elderly will only become more senile over time. One group has the ability to improve themselves, and the other, by nature, can only decline.
I don't think that under 25 years should be allowed to vote either though because they're too immature and simply don't have the life experience to make rational choices that impact the country. But the elderly are far more worrisome because of the degradation of their brain matter over time.