Regarding a Kickycan thread which involved germs and such.

Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 03:56 am
ossobuco wrote:
I love David Sedaris too.....

Like............... we didn't hear you THE FIRST TIME!!!

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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 09:15 am
Harrumph! What first time? Huh? Huh?
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 10:04 am
I have a confession. I bought some wonderful mushroom-spinach lasagne at a deli last week and put it in the fridge for dinner the next day. But in the morning, when I reached into the fridge for the milk jug, I snagged the corner of the plastic container and plop! it was on the floor open, with my precious lasagne square laying on it's side. I quickly scooped it up in my hand, grabbed a serrated knife, and cut away the edge that came in contact with the floor. I then transferred it to a bowl, stuck it back in the fridge and went to work, leaving myself the option of doing the right thing later, pushing it down the disposal, or eating it. I ate it. Embarrassed Please don't tell my mother.
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 10:09 am
Oh, well, you probably observed the five second rule...
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 10:23 am
Kirsten, no fear.

I think it was a chicken ceasar salad...my buddy and I were outside at a sidewalk table at some restaurant on Bleecker Street. I accidentally knocked a huge, beautiful piece of my chicken off the table and onto the sidewalk. I picked the piece of chicken up off the dirty concrete, thought about it for a moment, and then just said, "f*ck it, this is too good to waste," and finished eating it. It was delicious, and no ill health effects came about because of it.

My buddy loves to tell that story as an example of how people should really not be so paranoid about dirt and germs.

Yeah, I ate a a piece of chicken off a dirty city sidewalk! Anyone got a problem with that!?
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 10:58 am
Once I left a piece of pizza I took home from an Italain restaurant in the car overnight. It baked for most of the next morning in the deep southern humidity, and then I enjoyed it for lunch.
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 11:05 am
I bought some expensive candy bars a while back. After I got home and unloaded the groceries I went about doing other things. A day or two later I remembered the candy bars, and couldn't find them anywhere.

Two weeks later, I emptied the brown bag full of recyclable bottles and cans (that had been sitting next to more junk on my back porch) into a bigger container to take to the dump..
and out from the bottom spilled the candy bars. Hmmm, they were only a little warm..
I put them in the fridge.

(It rarely gets over 65 here, but still...)
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 04:49 pm
I see I grossed everyone out for nearly two years about those candy bars.

And I still miss Stillwater.

Some more data-esque stuff on the Five Second Rule..

(Me, I'll worry if I'm immune-suppressed or if I happen to have pathogens frittering about.)
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 06:47 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
Am I the only one who doesn't put food directly on the table? I mean, that's kinda gross but not as gross as bathrooms.

I never put my handbag on tables or counters, places you put food.

Just think of all the places you put them down.
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 06:57 pm
I think that your immune system is like a muscle. If you face everyday germs it flexes itself and does it's work to keep you healthy

If you use all that antibacterial stuff it will cause your natural immune system to have nothing to fight and the muscle will atrophy
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