I was going to say, the nearest to you looked like Albuquerque, that’s a bit of a trek.
Universal Health Care has never been affordable it has always been impossible until it happens.
The same naysayers said the same about the NHS. It was one of the first post war pieces of legislation when Britain still had rationing. Actually rationing was worse in the immediate post war period than it was during the war.
Britain was in ruins with a huge war debt to pay off. (Finally paid off when Tony Blair was pm.) Bevin was said to have complained about filling the doctor’s mouths with gold.
Yet despite all that it went through, and is now a national institution. It’s popular across the board, and no politician would want to appear to be against it.
No serious politician anyway. I think Nigel Farage May be against it, but he’s not a serious politician anymore. There are no European elections any more, and nobody trusts those idiots to run the country.