There is a lot of poverty in the US, and that, coupled with the fact that the healt system is, well, not very good, a terrible education system and a LOT of crime push the US down on the list.
That your houses are made of card board and aluminium probably don't help either

This is such typical self-righteous Norwegian smug myopic elitism.
Norway is NO paradise!
Last time I read the text headlines on NRK 1 the Norsk educational system currently ranks as one of the worst in Europe. There is NOT a lot of true poverty in the U.S. - the poverty level is based on a rather interesting set of criteria which doesn't actually reflect the majority of U.S. society. Norway's got its share of poverty as well but its made fairly invisible because its not under the world's eyes. There are many elderly Norwegians and refugees who live in reasonably abject poverty in Norway. Alcoholism and depression are rampant social ills as is an alarming shortage of psychiatric institutions and personnel.
There is PLENTY of crime in Norway as well. A glance at any Norwegian newspaper or tv text will validate this incontrovertibly.
While the health care system is excellent for trauma care it lacks severely in terms of long-term or chronic health care management is concerned.
As far as the construction of houses that varies quite significantly state to state and indicates that you didn't travel much or are not reporting the housing in Minnesota or any number of the mountain states where houses are often built to specs far surpassing most Norwegian housing.
I've worked, lived in and travelled Norway extensively after having lived in many U.S. states and I have travelled the USA extensively as well and if there's one thing that's "Typically American" as the Norsk folk are so fond of saying it's that there is nothing that is "typically American." America is DIVERSE in geography, climate, lifestyle, and cultures in a way that Norway could never be and with that diversity and a population of 300 million comes challenges and short-comings.
If California were taken individually as a country unto its own it would far surpass Norway in virtually every area: Not just financially.
And in case you hadn't noticed; the world is moving rapidly and necessarily away from the useage and dependency on fossil fuels... OIL. Where will Norway be when that day inevitably comes and sooner than later?