True, but for many (depending on the particular traits of the persons aspergers) it is easier for them if they see the world in black and white, and perspectives of others aren't easily processed by them.
• Problems expressing empathy...
• Lack of common sense
• Tendency to engage in one-sided conversations (about oneself)
• Fascination with certain topics
• Interpretation of information as literal
• A superior rote memory
• Ability to understand technical or factual information
• Trouble absorbing abstract information
• Tendency to focus on details, which may result in missing “the bigger picture”
• First-person focus. Adults with AS may struggle to see the world from another person’s perspective. You may have a hard time reacting to actions, words, and behaviors with empathy or concern.
Once a person with Asperger’s comes to a conclusion they can be quite set in it, and find it a challenge to see the perspective of others.
Everyone is of course, responsible for their own growth, with what they are given.