That is quite likely. I don't buy the avoidance nonsense many people engage in to arrive at flawed conclusions - particularly when they engage in hypocrisy, or pretend to be more intelligent than others. It's okay to be average or dumb and use flawed arguments...much less acceptable to claim to be intelligent while using flawed arguments / engaging in avoidance etc. And it's never okay to be a hypocrite / engage in double standards while using flawed arguments. That by the way, is a generalised statement covering everything/everyone...not applicable to everything you say, but obviously applying to many things you say.
Years ago, you used to present understandable arguments. I didn't agree with a lot of them, and they were still flawed... but you made them, and I understood them. But recently, in pressing you for your
underlying reasons, I've found your underlying reasoning is seriously flawed, and you don't want to look at such closely. Being unwilling to look at your own underlying reasons is rather different from just plain flawed reasoning. Sure I think there are reasons for it, but we can still choose to force ourselves to think about these things. That part, you are more than intelligent enough to do.