bored again... expirmenting with a new avatar.. It won't last long though.. I am not sure if I like looking at myself... it kinda creeps me out actually!!
It creeps me out too (j/k). Put a smile on that face girl!
eh,.. I am not big on smiling lol.... besides that one isn't very recent either.... the one i have up now is from yesterday
You will notice my avatar has a big smile. Is'nt that better?
Very smiley actually..
Kinda creepy
CL I think she looks like she didn't comb her hair before she went to work, and hasn't had her first cup of coffee.
Bored bored bored bored bored...
did I mention... bored?
Im with you sweety, tho its nearly home time for me.
Im having a sh*t day.A friend was really nasty this morning, maybe im hormaonal but I didnt need to be got at for a stupid reason.I was nearly in tears.
Why are you bored, are you at work?
Yup I am at work.. it is noon time.. I didn't get to eat breakfast and lunch isn't for another hour... which is making the day past slowly.. I too am hormonal and I want to go home and sleep.. I hate cramps....
Ugh... being a girl... I shoulda been a boy!
A boy, God no, then people would automatically assume you were a (insert rude word here).
Take paracetamol.
Girlies are pretty and we smell nicer than boys.And we get to wear nicer clothes, and we can flutter our eyelashes to get things.
God Im p*ssed off.Happy one minute, teary or peed off the next.
I seriously need something to change in my life or Im gona scream blue murder.
If your hungry have a drink, sometimes hunger pangs are due to being thirsty.
Maybe you could hide a bag of nibbles for when you get hungry a bit before lunch.
I have been drinking water..... not helping to much.... but better than nothing!
True girls do have certain advantages... but men can pee standing.. not fair!
Hhahahahaha, so can girls but its a bit messy.
Try some fruit juice if you have it itl perk you up a bit.When i drink water it just emphasises my hunger.
Women have many advantages. Keep in mind, it's women that have brought down religious empires and nearly toppled the leader of the free world from office. Men don't have these powers.
Woman have downfalls too... like giving birth... and these damn breasts.... all of it
But men love those breasts! Admittedly, there is a certain advantage in being able to pee standing. Like we never have to pee our pants.
I have enough problem cleaning up doggie pee on my tile floors without having to worry about my wimmin friends.
Isn't it interesting how many threads on this site invariably or inevitably entertain conversations involving bathroom issues and body parts? lol.
These are important issues Mame. Everyone needs to pee. Men were built biologically more well prepared to pee anywhere they need wheras women have to hold it. Just not fair.