What's the worst thing you've ever drank in your life?

Real Music
Reply Wed 21 Oct, 2020 08:55 pm
Family Guy: Ipecac Drinking Contest

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Reply Thu 22 Oct, 2020 01:42 pm
My grandmother gave me an ice cold glass of buttermilk once. I was so excited until I tried to drink it. Bleeck
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 22 Oct, 2020 02:04 pm
The worst thing I ever drank was the good-bye snifter shot of Grand Marnier one day back a lotta years ago. Normally, I have no problem with Grand Marnier...although it is not something I'd go out of my way for.

But at the end of a night of heavy drinking at a favorite Rutgers Bar in New Brunswick, the bartender almost demanded that I have the shot on him before leaving.

So I did it.

It sneaked up on me. In fact, I never realized how much I hated it until after I crashed into that car on the far side of the Lynch bridge. Boy, was I ever pissed. The guy had simply stopped in the middle of the road and I blasted into him.

Being me, I immediately jumped out and demanded an explanation for why he was stopped there. The wise-ass just pointed to the light...and said, "Red light."

Yeah, sure!

Anyway, I managed to ask if anyone was hurt before I blew my cookies all over the side of his car. It was a jalopy anyway, so no harm. The driver and his four passengers all smiled as they pointed to the police car that just happened to be at the cross street to the end of the bridge...and suggested that I straighten up if I could.


Obviously the cop had a sense of humor, because when he came across the street, his first question was, "You've been drinking, right?"

My brother was a cop on the force there...and when he saw the name on my driver's license, he recognized who I was.

"I'm going to take you home," he says, "right after the wrecker gets here. Sit in the car...don't get out. And if you throw up in the car, you are going to spend the night in jail...with an arrest."

So...I nominate Grand Marnier.
Reply Thu 22 Oct, 2020 06:26 pm
@Frank Apisa,
well did ya Ralph in his prowler? Kin we call ya OTIS?
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 01:01 am
@Frank Apisa,
Grand Marnier makes great Crepe Suzette.

If we’re talking about something we can’t drink because of too much one night. I had way too much whisky when I was 17 and now I can't touch the stuff.

And you were lucky Frank, being caught drunk driving over here means an immediate night in the cells and a driving ban, even if you’re the chief constable.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 08:30 am
farmerman wrote:

well did ya Ralph in his prowler? Kin we call ya OTIS?

Nope...no upchuck. But I did get a lecture from my brother...MY KID BROTHER, the cop.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 08:33 am
izzythepush wrote:

Grand Marnier makes great Crepe Suzette.

If we’re talking about something we can’t drink because of too much one night. I had way too much whisky when I was 17 and now I can't touch the stuff.

And you were lucky Frank, being caught drunk driving over here means an immediate night in the cells and a driving ban, even if you’re the chief constable.

I was very lucky, Izzy. Of course, this was back in the early 1970's...when we (stupidly) were more lax with our drunk driving laws. I was a jerkoff for driving in the condition I was in. Shoulda got nailed severely.

Glad I did not hurt anyone. And the incident pretty much me from driving while under the influence.
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 08:48 am
@Frank Apisa,
We’ve all done ******* stupid things when we were young.

I’m no different.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 09:00 am
izzythepush wrote:

We’ve all done ******* stupid things when we were young.

I’m no different.

Thanks, Izzy.

Now I don't feel so bad about what I did when a friend (I thought) asked me what would happen if you put your bare dick up against a lamppost during freezing weather.

Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 10:46 am
@Frank Apisa,
You should be proud to get your dick up in freezing weather.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2020 11:08 am
izzythepush wrote:

You should be proud to get your dick up in freezing weather.

It was a long time ago...and my dick seemed prepared for action.

Now...not so much.
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Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 07:11 pm
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2023 12:30 pm
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