Yes it is, satt! From looking at the cat, it appears it has more red than orange in it? Maybe it's the sun but I'd love to see a larger close up of this cat to check out those colors!
Momma Angel wrote:Yes it is, satt! From looking at the cat, it appears it has more red than orange in it? Maybe it's the sun but I'd love to see a larger close up of this cat to check out those colors!
Highest possible resolution I could make:
Oh Walter! Thank you so much! From that picture I would definitely say more red than orange, wouldn't you? I can't help it. I'm a redhead so I'm kind of partial to them.
What an absolutely gorgeous calico! Ok, I am printing this one out and hope I can find some space on my office wall!
It is a beautiful cat. I agree, Momma Angel. And I guess there are not a lot of snowmen around where you are, right?
It is getting cold again here and I am so glad our cats don't have to survive outside...
Kitty porn in the Garden of Eden
My "Shadow" was very surprised today, with the snow...
What a gorgeous cat! Yours?
My: of or relating to me or myself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action <my cat>...(adjective)
That face kind of reminds me of some Mardi Gras masks I have seen, Francis. So unique and beautiful. What's his/her name?
As already said: his name is Shadow.
Cat photos
Yes, MA, he looks to be a regal cat with deep, thoughtful eyes.
hmmm... That's interesting. I named my first cat, Shadow, and the dog I had at the time, Fax.
Francis wrote:My "Shadow" was very surprised today, with the snow...

Oh, I don't think Shadow was enjoying that, Francis!
Snow! How inconvenient!
Rather more a cat of comfort is my guess!