I did not want to post this in spirituality and religion, but couldn't find anyplace else to fit it. EB
This serverbase has collected extensive extracts from the spiritual wisdom from the INITIATED Tibetan LOBSANG RAMPA-- who wrote many books on the ancient wisdom - nearly half a century ago. This, after he had entered the spiritual and seen the ignorant western world in a manner that was not understood by the average reader, when the books were published. He was the first who in a logical way, described the WALK-IN process - where higher developed beings have the ability to take over a body of a person who voluntary wants to leave this world.
The material from this INITIATED, covers all the themes from today's newage-literature - but his books are not transferred by the more doubtful means of channeling - but through self-experience AND happened nearly half a century ago!!
the death-process and the life on the other side
the different dimensions
the Earths far past
how life came to Earth
colonization from space
contact to spacepeople
the human aura
telepathic and clairvoyance
astral traveling
the dark forces
medical themes (he was also a doctor in Lhasa/Tibet)
Atlantis and similar themes
body-take-over/walk in (transmigration)
etc. etc