Some confused replies here.
The non-bank ATM machines are insured. To say the tax payer pays, is a stretch: insurance is a fixed cost of any business and is in a pot of fixed costs. Obviously it is specialist insurance and as such the costs only effect those in the 'pool'.
As for tax payers paying, there needs to be a general clarification ... Certainly in the UK, in terms of paying 'net taxation' one has to earn in excess of the national average wage, as in c.£28000 p/a. It seems to me that the cohort who like to most shout about
"The tax payers are having to pay!" rarely earn the average wage and indeed cost far more to keep in services and infrastructural requirements than they have ever paid in taxation; be it direct or indirect.
Also of note in the case of the UK, is that the average 'state pension' pensioner costs in excess of 200% more in associated costs to the government, than they pay in taxation. As these people are mostly from the socio economic group which never paid net taxation when working, then they have been nothing but a burden to the system from cradle to grave.
It is further worth noting that the top earning 1% pay 27% of all income tax in the UK and then top 5% (4+1%) pay 45% of all income tax ... leaving approximately 25+ million other people, paying just 55% of the total income tax bill. The HMRC has these figures or I would assume the ONS could provide them as well. Certainly if one is an academic the ONS are very helpful.
So in answer to the point "The tax payer" .... It is absolutely not tax paid by those who make that comment on nearly every occasion; because they barely pay any tax anyway.