The brain is an organ that fulfills a function like the other organs of the body. It processes data.
The reason modern day science isn’t even close to understanding or explaining how the brain /mind works is because it has GUESSED (which isn’t science) a philosophical logic and used that logic to base all it‘s invented scientific theories and mathematical calculations on.
This means that all of modern day science WILL fail and we are seeing the start of this with the failure of the single big bang theory. They already know that all their flag ship theories have failed by observation but are too embarrassed to admit it.
You simply cannot explain the working of the brain/mind adopting modern day sciences half logic theories.
The foundation for modern day scientific theories is good is bad and bad is good or +=- and -=+.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that GUESS but to take it into science and claim it as a fact is an error philosophically.
Modern day science has done this by guessing/claiming that a + electromagnetic force is the same as a - electromagnetic force and that these forces cancel out so that there is a need to invent new forces which is precisely why we have ended up with mythical forces invented from massaged and manipulated mathematics.
The brain functions due to + and - interacting electromagnetic forces which have NOT been cancelled out because of the formula +/-=+/-