One major difference between Hinduism ( and the religions that came from Hinduism) and Christianity is how Nirvana is achieved. In other religions YOU achieve it. I could never achieve it by myself. In Christianity, peace is given to you by God. In addition, a Christian develops a personal relationship with God
God has taught me to love people even though I tend to ask Him why I should do that. I am naturally more suited to be a Muslim. People have truly angered me during the first 30 years of my life. I would have been delighted to have become a terrorist. However, the love of Jesus stopped me in my tracks.
My faith is not in "Christians". It is in Jesus and what He has done for me and His "sanctifying" action in my life.
I question Catholicism. To me Mother Teresa should have been Pope because she was a lot like Jesus. I also differ with some evangelicals about "judging" how non-believers act. I am satisfied with God working to make me a better person.
My one difficulty is about Judgment Day. I would rather that all people go to heaven. However, I am not holy.