heeheee..... you guys are very funny. Now, where do I sign up as a volunteer?
Indeed they do. In fact, some people might not care to sip an alcoholic drink that was not mixed with, er, tea, or fruit juice. I realize this was not mentioned by Noddy in her thread question, but don't we want a large number of participants partaking in the experiment(s)?
NO, of course not, why should we spoil the creditiblity of the results by contaminating the study with people that would ruin alcohol in such a dastardly manner.
I'll be the control. I'll have my drinks chilled with NO ice.
there you have it, l'k iss willing to forgo her usual beer with ice to help the validity of the research. You go girl! Although it's hard to imagine one being able to quaff down a warm can of Grain Belt with no ice.
I'll have mine neat, too...
Noddy, for you I feel obligated to offer my services as a volunteer. I like lots of ice, so it might take a larger supply of liquor to make the test more valid.
As an aside, I remember listening to an interview with a Japanese night club owner. It was the fad at the time to use ice cubes made from icebergs as they make lots of noise when put into water. Something about iceberg ice being formed under extremely high pressure.
Beer? Would that fall on the water or alcohol side of the testing scheme? I was thinking about gin.
Ok l'k, gin may be exceptable sans ice if left in the freezer for 30 mintutes prior to drinking.
I'll have mine sans mix with ice cubes from a refrigerator ice maker. Of course, I'll have to move to do that over an extended experiment time as I presently don't have an ice maker. But, in the immediate future I can run and borrow some refrigerator-produced ice, sans the adulteration of plastic or aluminum. <Puzzled, I don't know how an icemaker forms ice into those geometric bits.>
Well, the whole thing about cold drinks is cultural as real taste is often better at room temp. Some of us Mericans like the shock and awe of the cold though.
I believe we need to wait for more posters, dys. Some may wish to participate but may personally eschew alcohol. They would make fine fruit juice controls...
Or we could as mentioned earlier have more than one experiment going. I suppose we will have to set up matrices for various results and dagnabbit that is not my forte. I just read those things.... as rarely as possible.
OH! Where's nimh?
Opps, osso, with my poor vision, I saw matrices as mariachis. How about some music?
Does mood play a part in this study? Does ice warm things up? Does no ice leave one feeling tepid? Ah, so much drinking to do, so little time.
Mariachis? Is the square in Mexico df, Garibaldi Square? I have loved mariachi music and despised mariachi music, that time having to do with being at the best/worst table with about three hours of blare with a bad date, poor guy, not his fault either.
Italian bars are very abstemious with ice. You ask for ghiaccia (sp?) and get one. Ask for piu', and get one more, via tongs. They are not very enthused about icing down flavor. This has been difficult for la povera Gio'.
The research must have gone on all night based on the lack of scientific reports so far. :wink:
hay does anyone know why alka-seltzer sticks to the surface of ice cubes?
I have a feeling that my quest for information is not being taken seriously. Really, I want to know.
i'll drink anything that needs drinking. anything to support noddy's thirst for scientific discovery.
Noddy24 wrote:I have a feeling that my quest for information is not being taken seriously. Really, I want to know.
Oh, come on! Good science doesn't happen in a day! We're working on it.
tried a pina colada today, but the ice was crushed. was very smooth and chewy though. does that help any?