maxdancona wrote:Do you think here was some magic wall around Sweeden and France separating two inbred extended families?
I'm not to well educated about the situaton in Sweden.
But looking at France ...
Today, the Alsaciens, the Basques, the Bretons, the Catalans and the Corses represent about 20% of the French population. And they are Frech since centuries, actually from the beginning of France onward.

Map of the "Races of Europe" (
Carte des « Races de l'Europe »), Joseph Deniker (1899). - Reprinted in: William Z. Ripley, "Deniker's Classification of the Races of Europe," Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 28:1/2 (1899): 166-173.
You can still see those differences today when you look at the language groups in France

Map of the languages and dialects of France and the border regions. (Source: Lexilogos.com via wikipedia)