.....I have spoke of this new religion, on other threads, in a slightly tongue -in -cheek style, because it comes pretty strong and I didn't want to be too much associated with other religions. I am so serious about this that for many years,on certain forms that I filled out, I put Music, when asked to state my reigion. Music is my idea of a bridge between religion and the more important...Spirituallity....
.....Why Music?...Because music a universal language, and method of communication...God, or whatever you choose to call the the esscence of existence, theoretically assumed to be "omnicient, or Perfect. Mankind is assumed to be imperfect . However, Man can achieve perfection in Music. There is perfect timing, perfect rhythmn, and perfect pitch.* Ever here a caucasion say, "You Blacks have rhythmn. We whites don't." ..WRONG
.....Every living animal has it. If you didn't, your heart wouldn't beat virtually perfect, from birth to death. What people are refering to, in that instance, is a conscious rhythmn. It comes about from a more developed, and evolved brain. (O-o-o...that's gotta sting
....Anyway, It's important, members either, can either make and/or appreciate music.This is not a deal breaker, but it's hard for me to imagine a human that isn't covered by that "mandate" ( sorta')
.....There are no official ministers, but anyone wh understands, and shares is a ministers. the only temple or churh, is of course the body. There are no ceremonies, symbols, trinkets. holy books, or gadjets. No holy lands, or positions. ( deacons, messengers.etc.) No official name for God, Allah or whatever No sacrifices, rituals, or prayers. When you are thinkinking you are praying. No compulsory genuflecttion any material, or spirtual being.
.....You are responsible as a man or woman, adhering to your own code of ethics. After all these don'ts. there is one essential mandate, and on this mandate, is the foundation of my religion, when you agree to this, It's "OUR" religion. and the non-negtiotiable. sole dictum is:
.....You must promise yourself, and God.(my choice of name), that you will sincerely endeavor to[ BE NICE TO ,AND RESPECT, EVERY HUMAN BEING]you encounter. ( for exceptions, use common sense, and don't bring it to me for purpose, of debate)
.....I will my state the code of ethics, aand principals that I choose to live
by.: A) I beleive in God...
......B) I try to always; Be true to myself
......C) I treat people like I want to be treated
So there it is If this is something you'd like to live by, POOF!,...You are a member. Please don't try to force it on anyone, but if the subject should come up...Spread the word, One lover of peace and love at a time.
...* Think about a symphony orchestra, hitting every note on time, everytime...That has to be perfection.
.....From time to time, iwill state a quote from the book of the Boo, that show certain detailed homilies that help to state some of my thoughts, with a bit of extra elucidation.....I'll start things off with the following staement,plus, my signature line. So here's looking at you, Grasshpper.
.....Oh Yes...."As God is love.....God is Thought"......_Book of the Boo