Fri 10 Jun, 2005 04:30 pm
if you were commissioned by the maker, to start a religion right now, taking concepts and ideas from one or more of the existing religions OR YOUR OWN, what would the basic principles of your religion be?
1) what would your creation of life, and explaination of death be ?
2) how would you ordain followers are to lead their lives ?
3) with what concept would you try to ensure that they actually follow those guidelines - the "punishment" you would remind them of.
4) your explaination of creation of world, heaven & hell concepts ?
all the best.
1) Humans have evolved from other species, but the origin of life is not yet certain to us. Science can help us find out how it all began. Death is a process whereby your body can no longer sustain itself, so it stops working, and you lose consciousness permanently, as a result of your brain ceasing to function. Life after death is impossible, since life entails the life of your brain, which is determined by the actual function of your brain. After death your brain will rot, rather than think.
2) How you should live your life is undecided. Being 'morally good' seems like a good idea, but we're not sure why, and we're not sure what is morally good anyway. It might be an idea to follow your instincts, do the animal thing, and aim to create healthy babies and prolong the human race. It's always possible, however, that it really doesn't matter what you do - always keep that in mind.
3) I haven't really specified any guidelines, so I'm not going to punish anyoen for not following them.
4) We're not certain how the world was created, or if it was created at all. An all loving, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent creator seems like a silly concept to many rational people, and to me - but it's not out of the question. We can be pretty certain that this is the only life you've got, so I wouldn't worry about going to heaven or hell when you die - there will no longer be a 'you.'