Greetings all you concerned and helpful people....I am happy to report that rumors of my demise, and/or ban, have been greatly exaggerated.
.....I had quite a start when I saw the poll, but perhaps its good that it couldn't be deleted. It can stand to show how important clear communiation is at all times.
.....I'm a novice in the technology of computors. The reason I got into that trouble was UNCLEAR COMMUNICATION on my part resulting in improper application of knowledge given to me. I took a little info and went crazy with it. That's why they a LITTLE knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
....Able2know is a LOT LARGER, membershp wise, if not staffwise, than it was a couple of years ago. I had an earlier problem with PM's, that was not handled as quickly as I wanted it, (never is, I tend to whine when I don't get what I want, right now)but the staff took care of it in a most thorough, and creative manner.
.....So I will now close off by giving my concerned A2k family, and the overloaded, but brilliant staff, a STANDING OVATION
..Go ahead you guys, take a bow........