How old is everyone here?

Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 08:34 am
Very fine - it was last year!
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:16 am
ossobuco wrote:
There are a lot of young posters here, they're just not answering this thread yet.

Ok, I will soon be able to buy alcohol. But 28 Shocked that's old enough to be my mother. Are you missing a fair haired child, or are you looking to adopt? Laughing

The many sights that represent the Chinese city of Beijing were built by foreigners: the Forbidden City was built by the Mongols, the Temple of Heaven by the Manchurians. Although how they reached China from Manchester, I really don't know. :wink:
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:22 am
And so i said to Methuselah------.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:36 am
Quote, "I have a question for the majority of posters here: what was is like getting a ride to school in a horse n' buggy?" Who the hell had a horse n' buggy? They were a luxury, and most children just walked to school. Wink
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:41 am
I think they are equating that to the present practice of busing the little darlings to school.
I remember walking to school with a load of books that weighed more than I did.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:58 am
Never took a buggy to school, but at one highschool I attended, kids, myself sometimes included, rode horses to school. There was even a stable, run as a joint project by the FFA and 4H clubs at the highschool. Of course, there was a student parking lot, too, and it was always packed.

I remember too walking to school - about a mile - through snow over my knees (I don't think there even was such a thing as a "Snow Day" back then - you went to school, period). 'Course, my knees were a lot closer to the ground then than they are now.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 11:04 am
We lived in the big city of Sacramento when we were children, so no stables for us. But I do remember that the high school parking lots were always full of cars. We barely had a roof over our heads. Wink
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Lady J
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 11:16 am
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
Damn you people are old.

I have a question for the majority of posters here: what was is like getting a ride to school in a horse n' buggy?

Pppbbbhhhttt! Horse and buggy? Ha! Right! I am like timberlandko though in that I do remember trudging through the winter snow back and forth to school. It was ten blocks each way and in those days us girls were not allowed to wear pants yet! Many a day I would freeze me knees! Snow days or even rainy day sessions? What the heck were those?

I attended the same school that my grandmother did, complete with an old boiler room and steam heat radiators! I really loved that school though.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 02:43 pm
There were people who came to my university by horse and buggy.

Old Order Mennonite.

They're still travelling that way.
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Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 05:16 pm
went to school (in hamburg/germany) by ferryboat plus some walking. we lived right in the harbour, so to get into the city we had to walk to the ferry terminal and go for a half-hour ferry ride plus another 20 minute walk to get to school.
during heavy fog or ice the ferry would sometimes not operate or run very late so we had about an hour's walk to get to school. a tunnel for pedestrians and vehicles connected the left and right sides of the river elbe, so we walked about 20 minutes to the tunnel, another 20 minutes to walk through the tunnel plus another 20 minutes on the city side. while there where elevators to get up and down in the tunnel, using the stairs was the "manly" thing to do - besides , about halfway up or down there was always the opportunity to spit on the people below you. yes, we knew how to have fun ! hbg
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