Ah, another chamomile hater!
I bet you don't understand either why that dreadful stuff is supposed to make you sleepy. I guess if it doesn't make you retch it works.
Oh man, you'd be lucky with patchouli if you could only smell it 10 feet away. I'm not kidding when I say you can pick up the scent of it 15 least 50 yards away.
It's the type of smell that's either there, or not there. No in between as in, "I can smell someone cooking with garlic far away, or next door, or in your house."
I can't name a specfic perfume, but I know some that are lovely that do have P in them. I have a feeling it must be very skillfully blended in very small amounts with other things that temper it and keep it from being the main event.
When I worked, there was this one UPS driver that wore it. She was just the nicest person. I would actually call her Ms Patchouli. She never knew I didn't like it. She seemed so pleased with her nickname.
Sometimes she would deliver when I wasn't in the office. I could still smell it hours after she had just walked in, put down a package, and walked out.
Maybe you like the candels because they are a fair distance away.
This is a weird one. I have to cover my nose when I go in a bakery. The smell of all that baking sweet stuff. Yuck.