Mon 23 May, 2005 11:28 am
Well Hell here I come. I guess us abortion supporters have a one way ticket to Hell. I for one am glad; I could go to Hell with the pagans such as Socrates and Aristotle or go to Heaven with the Ned Flanders' of the world. Thank you I'll take Hell.
Cmon dont you see, giving people a choice of whether to have an abortion is evil. Its not at all like a god giving us free-will is it? (Sarcasm)
I highly doubt that anyone is pro-abortion, like they want it to happen, but i myself totally support Pro-choice, where people are able to decided whether they want it done.
Exactly! Pro choice needs to be granted.
Did anyone else notice that Shamgar is Ragmahs spelled backwards?
You thought you were clever enough to get that by us, did you?
No because I'm a mean person and I don't care about babies so might as well give women a choice. See no god needed.
Pro choice is not necessarily pro abortion, but fanatics
like you won't accept that. People like you are by far
more dangerous than women who exercise their right to
decide over their own body.
You know you just want to feed your pagan god the blood of innocents.
So far he was satisfied with goats
CalamityJane wrote:Shamgar,
Pro choice is not necessarily pro abortion, but fanatics
like you won't accept that. People like you are by far
more dangerous than women who exercise their right to
decide over their own body.
Apparently you can't justify your "free will"/blood lust. What is the matter? Are you guilty of what the "logical" people accuse the Christains of being . . . "blinded by their faith?" . . . . "robotic?" . . . "puppets?" Certainly if you were capable of independent thought you could come up with a reason instead of dancing around the issues or giving vague generalizations.
Okay I admit it: I am a blood lusting creature, living in
Transilvania and need an average supply of 2 pints a day
to survive.
I find the constant insertion of the cartoon propaganda blurbs at once hilarious, pathetic, and a little frightening. That it is of a character to convince children speaks volumes about the target audience.
CalamityJane wrote:Okay I admit it: I am a blood lusting creature, living in
Transilvania and need an average supply of 2 pints a day
to survive.
Oh it appears that "humor" is the only thing Jane can do when put in the spotlight to champion her "stance." No program for a "logical" response?
Of course the "humor only" response is the result of the "logical" well thought out "argument" and a sure siign of a good handle on the facts to support one's "argument" for "free-will/bloodlust" justification.
I don't know what you want us to say. You keep quoting the Bible as part of your proofs. Once again alot of us here don't care too much about Bible evidence. It's like me quoting the Qu'ran to prove somthing to you. It's pointless. I also don't think an embryo is a baby anyway, but that's a different topic. What the hell are we trying o justify? That we don't worship Justicia? That makes no sense. I find half of America's laws bullshit anyway. What are you trying to get at? We don't want babies dead hence why killing babies is illegal. Aborting a fetal embryo is not killing a baby so there's a problem in your thinking.