Well, at least he doesn't use it. What was he thinking? Does he have kids?
No kids, it's just a toy. You'd have to see this guy's car.
Just for "novelty."
We tried watching a South Park DVD driving to RI a couple of weeks ago, and he either couldn't figure out how to use it, or it was broken. No South Park.
Why doesn't he return it?
It's too old now. I think it may have been the DVD, I've seen it work before.
Besides, that would be the smart thing to do.
ah, I see
No, not really, I don't.
Yeah, he's that guy who spends his whole paycheck on pimpin' out his car.
Wish I could tell you his license plate. It's high comedy.
pimpin out his car...... hmmmm. What kind of car is it?
BMW 325is.
I ripped, er, I mean, "he purchased it through me."
So, he rents it to people so they can show off?
Nope. Personal pimpin' only.
You looking to rent a ride? Going to Hampton Beach? haha
Me? No. Cars don't impress me much. My brother is ticked off because I don't care to drive his Miata. I did have fun driving the rented Porche though.
Yes, cars suck. You shouldn't get impressed by someone's wheels, but you'd be surprised how shallow some people are though...I'm pretty sure I've had girls interested in me mainly because my car, not a turn-on(usually younger ones).
Miata's a pretty fun car to drive, but I don't think I could ever buy one.
I loooove driving a porsche. Just drove one the other day...someday I'll waste my money on one. It's a sickness.
Actually, my "previous car..."
No, I don't think cars suck. I like cars. They're good. Just not all that impressive. I like fun-driving cars, but I'd rather drive a fun beater than a fun expensive car.
They suck because I like them too much, and in turn spend too much money on them!
Previous car was also a 3-series Bimmer.
I'd be way too paranoid to buy one even if I could afford it.
I'm so paranoid with my car! I hate leaving it in parking lots.
You'd be surprised, the last one I had, I paid about as much for it for what a new Hyundai goes for. Obviously used. Parts aren't cheap, though, neither insurance on them, at least in the city.
Haha...just remembered something. Quote, from one girl who was hitting on me while she was drunk, the night I met her:
"You're really cute, you're funny, and you drive a BMW."
Can you get worse than that? She wasn't right in the head, I think.
And no, that's NOT why I drive em'!
So how bout them fortune cookies?
I had an old toyota that got side-swiped so bad the driver's window didn't open more than an inch. I bought my new used honda and it got side-swiped within 6 months. Same friggin block of city street. No note, just some dented aluminum and a smear of green paint. I think I found the car that hit me too, but I never did anything about it.
So, fortune cookies. Yep, they're a'right.