Wed 4 May, 2005 07:30 am
OK, guys, here we go. This is our thread to discuss those topics dear to our hearts (breasts that jiggle in tight sweaters, leaving the toilet seat up, why food which has fallen to the floor is perfectly edible within the first ten minutes, etc.) without interference from the evil wimmins. Post your thoughts here, but if any wimmins show up, act nonchalant, and begin talking metal fatigue and high-temperature, high-performance engines.
Angeline Jolie sure has some nice tits, doesn't she? They are like these perfect friggin' melons that just beg to...(woman approaching!).... ahem, what size wrench does one use when changing the spark plug on an Cub Cadet lawn tractor, vintage 1978?
With all those metric sets around, it's often hard to put your hands on a 3/16's right away, but the 11 mm will . . .
Have you seen her in that KORN video, dressed all in white, ohmygodithinkijuststainedmypants . . .
Great cover title Setanta.
Angelina may be the hottest woman on the planet, I was able to sit through Tomb Raider because of her.
<edited to promote subterfuge>
She was perfect casting. A guy i know was laughin' at my buddy and i about video games and the females therein, and i pointed out that Lara Croft has been a planet-wide sex symbol since long before the movies came out. He got rather a far away look in his eyes, and when he contributed to the conversation next, he didn't say Lara Croft, he said Angelina Jolie, and was completely unaware of his error.
so where do I actually go to discuss the virtues of synthetic and semi-synthetic oils?
<and the lad can definitely do his own laundry

Uh . . . you definitely want a synthetic blend . . . your Honda doesn't endure the kind of stress that constant driving puts on an engine, but it is still a high heat engine. The full synthetic would be a waste of your money. But the blend would meet your needs without too much extra cost.
(Goddamn, Sublime 1, did you forget to put the latch back on the door when you came in?)
Quote:(Goddamn, Sublime 1, did you forget to put the latch back on the door when you came in?)
I added a second lock.
So I was thinking of swapping the engine in my Jeep but then I would have to go with a stronger trans...
Did she leave yet?
I think she's gone . . .
I'll tell ya, video game or motion picture, it's hard to choose . . .
You are right, I would have to say they do each other justice.
ehBeth wrote:
so where do I actually go to discuss the virtues of synthetic and semi-synthetic oils?
lol, I actually came for that too, having been faced with the choice just days ago.
Katie Holmes: pretty hot, right?
Not here, she doesn't...
Angeline Jolie. I'd eat a mile of her sh$t just to get to that ass.
Uh, low vs. high Maxima recommends Premium. Really necessary? I say no, and compromise with mid-grade. (if my f'n Honda VFR motorcyle with a VTEC engine generating over 100hp runs on 87, I don't think my Max needs 93).
Craven de Kere wrote:ehBeth wrote:
so where do I actually go to discuss the virtues of synthetic and semi-synthetic oils?
lol, I actually came for that too, having been faced with the choice just days ago.
Me too; being quiet for a Guys' thread now.
Where the hell are all these women coming from?
Can't you girls just let us talk about Angeline Jolie in peace?
We don't invade your knitting threads, do we?
(Oh, that's right -- I did. Never mind then.)
My mechanic told me to only use synthetic oil in my '98 Civic, but nothing else EVER than Castrol 20-50 in my Alfa Romeo...
Have you guys heard that one about Cindy Crawford and that dude on a desert Island ?
It's compression ratio, Slappy, not horsepower or rpm. Don't want to get into detonation in an expensive engine, and there aren't any cheap ones.
Don't kid yerselves, Lara Croft knows high performance . . .
But deep down inside, Lara is just a shy, ordinary girl . . .