Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 10:52 am
First of All, I am so happy to be around here to meet new people, make new friends and discuss religion. I am a theoholic: p and have learned so many things about different religions thru all my life. By curiosity I recently read the Koran, at first it was hard to understand because I was judgmental but what I have acknowledged is that it left in my mind a beautiful feeling but couldn't explain what it was. So I was like, what if this is the truth that I spent years and years looking for. I always felt in my heart that God is one, so powerful, so well organized, so just, so beautiful to create the earth and the Universe in such an artistic fashion, obeying Laws so perfectly designed, such as If the Earth spins just a little bit faster, no one would survive in earth and that's something that contradicts the theory of that everything happens randomly. Anyhow, thru all my life I never paid attention to all the Hardship that every one of us go thru and never asked myself before why those hardships if God is the creator of the Universe and can save us all from it and make our life peaceful and enjoyable. The Koran is talking about both, love and hate in the same time, about good and bad...etc so I started reading Islam and found out that God tells us to be patient, to be strong and turn to him when a calamity happens and with doing that our heart and soul purifies itself from wrongdoing. God says that all this is a test and if we fail and don't stay firm against our wrongdoings like committing adultery, killing, getting angry…etc we get stronger and stronger day by day and sin less. God also is helping us thru his teachings how to live in freedom from being controlled by our unjust desires. Yes, God basically is trying to save us from the real punishment and telling us that he amazingly created the Heavens for us to fulfill all the desires we have being created with because that's where we belong. Just as he is, God is giving us all an opportunity to clean ourselves thru the hardships off this not lasting life and will reward justly every one of us based on how we do in this life. If we all think a moment and ask ourselves, why nothing could satisfy our desires or why the enjoyment don't last more than a moment , example sex, food,...etc. Well what I have learned from reading the Koran is that our desires would only be fulfilled in where we belong, and God is telling us to be patient and submit to him fully thru the laws of Islam to purify ourselves. God is perfect but we are not simply because he gave us freedom of will and does not intervene in choosing the way we go but guides us to the right path because he sees everything but our sight is very limited. God created all his other creations without a freedom of will so all is submitting to his will but us until we choose to and also God will destroy who do not obey him by throwing him/her to Hellfire, and if you read what is said about how Hellfire will be nobody could ever sleep after that, either hearing about Hell or the Heavens. The King of the Heavens Gabriel (AS) was ordered by God to go look at the Heavens and Hellfire to tell God what he thinks. Gabriel said : Everybody will choose to live in the Heavens, and nobody would ever choose Hellfire. But God knows that is not the case. In fact Hellfire will ask for more human beings in the Day of Judgment and an enormous number of people will go.
Bottom line, God is helping all of us thru the first step of purification. He is describing the Heavens in an amazing way in the Koran and the teachings of his prophet (Peace be upon Him) to help us stay firm against our desires and actions and also warn us and describes with a lot of details and pictures how the eternal extreme punishment will look like if we don't control our desires and be patient and stay firm and strong against anything that could take us to disobey Him. God is just so he is giving us a chance to win the ticket to the Heavens where ultimate continuous enjoyment is waiting for us. For men, Just knowing that the most beautiful woman ever sent to Earth will be uglier than the less beautiful woman in the Heavens will guide you to do better in your life.
God wants us to be better than all his creations. He gave us freedom of will and wants only pure human beings to live eternally in peace and enjoyment in his Gardens of joy, How long we are going to live for ? 100 years? Eternal life could last 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 years and I know it will be more than that. So what this first life represents? 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% I think it represents ZERO or 0
I just felt like sharing with you my experience in life and hope someone learns from this and hope to hear from you, dear friends.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,308 • Replies: 39
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 01:35 pm
I am glad you have been so inspired. I'll admit I know very little of Islam but have seen much parity in all organized religions and have yet to find one I do not despise.

PS. A paragraph here and there would have made that a much easier read.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 01:39 pm
I agree with SN95. Both for despising religion in general and for observing the need for a pargraph in the islam text.
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 01:42 pm
Any religion that won't allow me to eat pork or drink alcohol is just plain wrong.
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 01:46 pm
Religion is for weak-minded people.

Simple as that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 02:29 pm


I think you're great.

Please try Buddhism.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 05:02 pm
LionTamerX wrote:
Any religion that won't allow me to eat pork or drink alcohol is just plain wrong.

Not only wrong but heretical, sinful, blasphemous and -- dare I say it? -- icky.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 11:14 pm
There's these new microwavable Pork Roasts. Six minutes. Comes replete with gravy.

A nice salad and potatoes of most any description and VOILA!

People need pork, and they need it in six minutes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 02:06 am
Is there any reference to pork in Koran?
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watchmakers guidedog
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:25 am
Sorry, I can't read that, my eyes water too much trying to make out single words in a big block of unformatted text on a bright screen.

Your spelling was nice though. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 07:35 am


These verses from the Quran talk about the issue of pork. Just type in noble quran in yahoo and you should get the quran to look up these verses.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 08:02 am
People need pork, and they need it in six minutes.[/quote wrote:

I couldn't have said it better myself. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 10:32 am

Welcome to A2K. I'm sorry that our atheist/agnostic hospitality committee is suffering from swine obsession this week.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 01:36 pm
Thank you guys for welcoming me here. Lash , my name is Michael not Micheal :-) . Yes I tried Buddhism and I think that it has some great teachings just like it has things that I don't agree with. I think that Experience of many many years of life lead to get wisdom that most of the time was translated to a lifestyle that the human being used to either help for a better peace between the existing creatures and also to explain the unseen and Buddhism is just like many cultes that eventually can teach great values. Anyone of us desire things, everyone is amazed by what the nature provides us, many of us work so hard to save up some money to go on vacation to the Carribeans, Cancun, Hawaii ..etc and the perfection of this Heaven we live in made us envious and jealous of one another and any teachings made by us never explain why we are here for. However, nobody would disagree with me if I say that life without goal is such a sad thing. God in the Koran is telling us that our desires are so enormous that anything in this world would never satisfy it and that this is not where we belong but we belong in the Heavens that he created for us and that will honor anyone of us that pass the test. He also showing us in the Koran that he only allowed glimpses of what is waiting for us. How many times we see the best Cheesecake and when we get it and after a bite or two , a slice or two we don't want anymore. God in the Koran is explaining to us that we are here in a mission to acknowledge that we are creations that only God knows how to satisfy its desires. He created us to be patient and submit to him fully and that is the challenge. Our we strong enough to do so when we see sexy women or men that we can have sex with and knowing that God forbids adultry? God gave us the formula to be strong which is patience obeidience to him and he told us about the big reward which is the Heavens that will provide eternal and continuous fun, for whoever was stronger than his/her desires. Moreover, God is telling us that the way he wants us to live will provided to us in this world tranquility, peace, love and joy and let me tell you about me: I was an alcoholic, used drugs, did a lot of cruel things. It is so obvious that I was not happy. Now, the more I read about Islam the more I understand the reason of such strange laws. It is proven by all the scientists that Pigs carry so many deadly bacterias, also just a commun sense, a pig is a carnivore and loves dirty places and Alcohol is just ruins lifes if the person doesn't drink in moderation. I wanted to share with you some of my experiences because happiness is in my way once again when I thought that I should even kill myself because I was complaining so much. Now I know the value of this life. I know that if a hardship comes my way I will be strong and patient and try to stay come and turn myself to God because all he wants from me is not to fail the test and also clean my heart from hatry and jealous and sins.

Again, nice to meet all of you

Peace and Love
also if a bad thing happens to us because it won't go on for a long and to be greatefull to him if we are blessed by something we have and many don't have. A blanket in a cold day is a blessing.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 01:49 pm
Here is a link to the Quran.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 03:59 pm
Noddy24 wrote:

Welcome to A2K. I'm sorry that our atheist/agnostic hospitality committee is suffering from swine obsession this week.

As is at least one of our christians, Noddy, if we are spreading blame.

And welcome, also, New Soul.

What attracted you to Islam, may I ask?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:11 pm
Show off.

My pork line killed, and you know it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 07:54 pm
Killed what?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 08:45 am
dlowan, thank you friend.

Islam attracted me because I found out that the more I learn about it the more it answers my questions and the more it makes it harder for me to find a contradiction in it . Especially for someone like me who was trying to fight Islam at first so I needed to know about it. I just think that it is the true guidance from God. I found that The Quran is just so amazing that explained all my worries, questions and confusions I had with the Bible. It just make all sense to me now and I feel that I was so blind . When I know that ,as an example , Catholics believe that the human being should have a mediator between him/her and God and that person is forgiving sins even though I might think that I am a better person than him or that God is way not in need for a secretary to report to him, just like the pope who was a Nazi now we hear all kinds of stories like he and his familly was not happy with Hitler ...etc and all the lies opportunists use to get to power , after I realized what Islam is different and against injustice I became a new soul and just walking in a Mosque and finding white American brothers, Black American brothers, asians brothers, arab brothers, tall, short, dark, white, yellow, poor, rich, it does not matter, they all hugging each other and calling one another not by names but by "brother " and calling the women "sisters" make my day everytime I have the chance to go to the Mosque. When a white American feels welcomed by all kinda races and you feel that people are trying to help you with your prayers and show you how to do things and answer your questions ..etc, when you find people that really care about others without knowing them or even seen them before, not just materially but also emotionally ..etc, when you see that they don't care if you wear expensive clothes or cheap clothes, they don't care about what your outside look like as much as they care about being kind, nice, helpful and race to getting good deeds, when you see all that and be part of that , obviously you become a good person, you get rid of your anger, hatry, jealousy and you really clean and purify your heart and reach peace between you and you, between you and others, and most importantly between you and God. Nobody could ever get angry or mean even if they want to and this is the pure happiness that we all look for. I can not find the words to describe what Islam is and what is giving me. It does look strange for whoever does not have any knowledge about it. It was strange for me but now it is what I am applying in my life. As a scientist I found that the Quran of 1500 years is the exact Quran of today, which talked about all kinds of sciences of now. No scientist could ever find a mistake in a theory that came with the Quran because there are None , because it is God's, the most knowledgeable. In fact, What is Science ? it is the laws and essences from what God already established in this Earth and Universe. Did we create something other than just using the atoms, ions, electrones , assembling them , and reacting one against the other to "produce" something for either our benefit or against it ? We are not self-sufficient are we ? Anyhow, here is an example about what the Quran said and there are millions of them and this is the first example that caught my attention:

When the microscope was invented in the end of 17th century and it enable man to see the human sperm, though human being to be like a small tree, a reduced creature which exists in the sperm. Scientists, at the time, started drawing imaginary shapes to the reduced man inside the sperm and they thought that man exists inside the woman's womb he grows and develops. However it is just before sixty years the man came to know that it is us so but man comes into existence after crossing many stages of development and growing. It means that it was just since sixty years that man came to know a fact whereas the same fact has been revealed in the Holy Quran before the fourteen centuries. Shaikh El Zindani says that they met a major American scientist by the name of Prof. Marshal Jonson. They told him that in Quran it is mentioned that the creation of a human being is accomplished through many stages. When he heard this he stood up and said : "stages ?! We told him that Quran revealed this before fourteen centuries. He claimed by saying that this is impossible … impossible … We asked them why do you rule it as impossible? We told him that Quran says "He makes you in the wombs of your mothers, in stages one after another, in three walls of darkness" [39:6]. We also gave him the Quranic verse that says " What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long suffering in God. Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages ?" [71:13-14]. He sat on the chair and said in meditation : I have the answer : There are only three possibilities : The first is that Mohammed was having a huge microscope which enable him to examine and study these things and consequently, he realized what people were not knowing and then he said these facts : The second possibility is that said these facts by chance and the third possibility is that he is a Prophet of Allah who revealed the facts to him. We said to him : Lets take these possibilities one by one regarding the possibility which claims that the Prophet was having a microscope is not right. Because a microscope is a complicated which needs manufactured lenses and electronic equipment in addition to technical expert and sometimes electricity also, all these were not available at all at that time of the Prophet PBUH. Therefore it is a baseless claim. The second possibility which claims that the Prophet has said the facts by chance cannot be accepted. Because Quran has mentioned this fact not only in a single verse but in many verses. Moreover, Quran dealt with the stages of human creation in detail. Therefore it cannot be a chance dealing, but a dealing which came from a well knowing resource. At this point the American scientist; Then don't u have any other interpretation ? He replied that there is no other interpretation except that is a divine revelation ! The sperm of man fertilizes the ovum of the woman, The door is closed in the face of any other sperm and the creation begins. Allah says " Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay) Then We placed him As (a drop of) sperm, in a place of rest, Firmly fixed ;" [23:12-13] The stages of creation goes-on according to systematic proportions. Quran says "Woe to man ! What hath made him Reject God From what stuff Hath He created him? From a sperm-drop. He hath created, and then molded him in due proportions; [80:17-19] Who said to the Prophet Mohammed PBUH which revealed this. Quran says "That He did create In pairs - male and female, from a seed when lodged (in its place): [53:45-46] At the time of the process of fertilization which takes place in the womb of the mother the sex of the new creature is determined. Who told the Prophet Mohammed PBUH all this? Until 1940s, when the electronic microscope was discovered, Man was not knowing at which stage of creation in the womb of the mother does the sex of the creature is determined? But when Quran and since fourteen centuries explained it clearly. Whoever wants to confirm this fact can refer to the books of interpretations. Even the Prophet PBUH told us where does the fertilized cell settle? How is its condition before settlement. The Prophet Mohammed PBUH says "The angel enters to the fertilized cell after it settles"[Refer to Ahmed in Musanad] The term "settles" means that it was not in the state of settlement. It was moving. A part of it came from the father and other part from the mother and together the formed a fertilized cell which buries itself in the womb. Then what happen after its settlement The Prophet Mohammed PBUH said that "The angel enters to the fertilized cell after it settles in the womb by about forty of forty five (days)" Who told the Prophet Mohammed PBUH all these minute scientific details? Who told him about the final settlement of the fertilized cell … about its plantation in the womb … about the determination of sex … etc ? Now the medical books call the stage of settlement as the stage of planting. The medical circles think that they are the first who coined such agricultural metaphor to speak about the process of human creation, but before them Quran described mothers by saying that "Your wives are as a tilth unto you"[2:223] It means that she is the fertile place to plant the next generation. The womb of the mother forms its inner cover from the fertilized cell. The fertilized cell sinks into the womb. The process of sinking of the fertilized cell is an indication of a beginning of a serious task; that the creation of a human being. In Quran the term "sinking" is a term which has two meanings. One of these two meanings indicates the relation of the man with the womb of his mother. The other meaning has come as follows "When the world went forth: " O earth ! Swallow up Thy water, and O sky with hold (thy rain) and the water abated" [11-44]. Here the word "abated" has two meanings, the water abated means that it decreased, and it also means that it sank. Therefore the fertilized cell abated' has also the same two meanings. It means that the fertilized cell has sank so that to stick to the wall of the womb and also decreased so that to create the placenta. A part of it will create the placenta and another part will go on the process of creation. Allah, the Exalted in might says "God doth knows what every female (womb) doth bear". By how much the wombs Fall short(of their time or number or do exceed. Every single thing is before His sight, in (due) proportion"[13:18] What goes on inside the womb is a challenge to science and scientists. Science now claims that it can know whether the new creature in the womb is a male or female. But it can do so only after the creation has already taken-place. It cannot know many aspects of the process of creation such as the destiny of the new creature, whether blessed or miserable? For how long he will live ? When he will die? Only Allah knows these facts. Quran says "Verify the knowledge of the hour is with God (alone) it is He Who sends down the rain, and what is that he will earn on the morrow Nor does any one know in what land he is to die ainted (with all things)"(31:34). No one can know, minutely what is going on in the womb and what is the affairs of the child inside and outside the womb. These are the knowledge of mystery and only Allah has its keys. Allah releases knowledge related to this and which concerns each new creature to angels. Therefore angles come to know about it from Allah. No body can know these mysterious things. It is as mysterious as the attempt to give two cues of bricks to a builder and ask him to build. He will not know what kind of building is required, a school, a hospital, a house etc. Therefore nobody can know the characteristic of the fetus in the womb of the mother. Because at the initial stage of creation each organ is represent by only one cell. Shaikh Zindani says that he asked Prof. Marshall Johnson if he has tried to know the future the future characteristics of the child at the stages of fetus. He said that he tried to do so by studying hereditary chromosomes and he continued to experiment for ten years so that to know the future destiny of the creature who will come out of the fetus subject to study. Then Zindani asked him what the result was. He said that the result was that he wept !!! Zindani inquired why he wept. He replied that he wept because he failed to know any thing. Then Shaikh Zindani informed the American scientist that he was in a futile effort which would not enable him to achieve any result. Because he will not know these things. It is mysterious knowledge which only Allah knows. The stage of sperm "fertilized cell" is a closed stage which will not give any information to man about the characteristics of the new creature. It is the stage of fetus sticking on the wall of the womb and becomes firmly fixed in the womb of the mother. It is only at the stage of further development that man can know the sex of the child and the possible or probable date of its birth and some other minor information which are not crucial as far as the characteristic and destiny of the child are concerned. The Quranic verse number [32:12-13] are followed by other signs which give more minute details about the process of creation in the womb of the mother. It says "Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; "We usually know a kind of a clot which exists in water and remaining ready to hangs to the mouth of animals. Its aim is to suck the blood of the animal. It is called water clot because it hangs to the wall of the womb to suck blood and it is also surrounded by a liquid. Then the following stage is called a lump. Quran says "Then of that clot We made a (fetus) lump;" It is called so because it is similar to be a material cheated by the teeth and which changes its shape after each chewing. It indicates a vigorous process of creation. So traces which resemble the trace of the teeth-chewing appear in it. It takes different shapes and gives a gradual appearance to some main parts of the would-be complete apparent shape of the child. It does not give a complete shape of the final shape. It represents complete and incomplete cells of growing bones. The main bones and the minor bones. Therefore Quran described it as "Then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed[22:5]. Who told all these to the Prophet Mohammed PBUH. Was he possessing an electronic microscope? Whole of the creative is not more than one centimeter only. Then comes the stage of bones. The lump starts turning into bones. Quran says "then We made out of that lump Bones". In the past scientists and doctors used to think that bones and flesh are simultaneously created. But it is not so. Bone are firstly created then enclothed by flesh. This is Quranic fact. Quran goes on and says "and clothed the bones with flesh". In the stage which follows the clothing of bones by flesh, the child witnesses a rapid development and growing and qualifies himself to receive the spirit, the soul. He came to existence an alive human being. Quran indicates this fact by saying "Then We developed out of it another creature, so blessed be God, The Best to Create". Here the term, "developed" means the making or creating (the child) is a distinguished and distinct creature. He is composed of body and soul who will come out to the world and represent other generation Who may contribute to the process of Earth Rehabilitation. But man is born to die. And after his death, he will be resurrected again. The same Quranic verse says "After that, at length Ye will die. Again on the Day of Judgement, will Ye be Raised up."[32:12-13]. These verses give the process of creation, final shape of creation, death and finally raising up on Judgement Day. It gives the stages of human creation. Thy also show human destiny, death and trial. These Quranic verses are strong evidence that Quran is a divine revelation and the Prophet Mohammed PBUH is the messenger from Allah. Quran disclosed scientific facts which were not known to Men and only in the modern age man is gradually recognizing them.
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 10:49 am

May almighty God (Allah in Arabic) reward you for your very interesting posts.
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