Tue 2 Apr, 2019 11:26 am
Do you ever use the phrasal verb "top up" in association with "mobile/cell phone"?
If so, would you please give me some examples of how to use this "association" correctly/properly?
Thank you.
I would never say that, but I'm not British.
"Top off" means to fill a fuel tank to the top. I've never heard that phrase, but it might refer to fully recharging the battery.
I've heard of "top off" meaning to fill up something that is partially full all the way to the top.
I've heard of 'Top Up' as a way of suggesting a salary increase. It is British.
If you had a pre-paid mobile and the credit level was getting low you would top it up by buying more credit.
That's in Australia, I don't know about anywhere else.
I’ve heard it used here in USA, though not often, in the same way (re adding money to prepaid account) as Izzy and Cherrie used.