littlek wrote:(the ten descriptors of "indigo children")
That describes me perfectly. When I do this, I'm an arrogant, elitist, egocentric bastard... and I realise it. I guess my god-complex just isn't set high enough, I should apparently also think that I'm entitled to all this because I'm a mystical being from beyond euclidean space-time (insert spooky 60s scifi music here).
Of course I have a strong family history of autism, and though I don't have the disorder there is a possibility that a "passive" form of it has been passed on to me. (no real scientific evidence, but anecdotally most relatives of austistic people that I have met act in a semi-autistic fashion).
The problem though, has nothing to do with my own self-worship. The problem is of child-worship, parents who want to believe that their children are perfect refuse to admit that their child has behavioural problems. They latch on to new age explanations that justifies their childs behaviour which they then reinforce.
I pity these children. Their exposure to the real world will be unpleasant.