and I thought I was a cynical sumbitch.
You cut me to the quick, FM . . . rather, say that i am a realist . . .
I make no references to the recent hearings at Dover Pa wherein the "devo" crowd came in and made some impassioned speeches about their "rights" and the inability of science to properly demonstrate that "evo" is even a viable hypothesis , let alone a theory.
I went out into the parking lot and took some pictures of the gross Mercedes sitting there with out of State plates (lotsa 500+ Mercedius virginianus). All these guys that (I believe) were "faculty" of Liberty College,(One of the few accredited colleges wherein Biology and geology are taught with strong "Christian" foundations)
Lotsa very shiny suits, like the Gotti trial, except these folks blew in , made their presentations, set the stage of whats comin down, and then blew out to get on I-81 "Gods Own Highway".
What pisses me off is that most of the money they need to exist is extracted in continuous streams from those least able to afford it.