Elect me, and I'll open an evil rift into the very depths of hell, allowing deceased loved ones to return to your arms. And also many other villainous and ravenous beings and things.
<whistles admiringly>
Not baad! Thats a fine piece of ... graphical art!
I also notice how Dag, new to the Peace and Beauty campaign, has neatly Photoshopped Gautam, its original Veep candidate, out of the picture entirely - and injected herself instead. Wow, such gall! I could still learn some tricks from this girl, obviously.
It also means I will happily no longer have to feel guilty about the unfortunate way we had to deploy her to a more, eh, on-the-sidelines kinda position ... Plus, if she does as much for the Peace and Beauty ratings as she was doing for our original ticket, I don't need to worry too much about that either!
All in all, good news all round.
Yes, nimh. Don't you worry about us. We'll just proceed quietly... No need to rally troops against us. We're just a harmless group of women. And one Prince. Who needs no posters or slogans. Mind you the others, the bad folks.
I'd not really good or bad. I'm kind of a neutral candidate... ooh..
Vote SCoates! The Neutral Candidate!
Uhoh. Noddy has joined the Love and Beauty platform. That makes this primary a neck-to-neck race between Dys and Eva/Noddy.
Yup, she's a sensible woman!
Oh good! You've added Gautam and the others! (Could G be tossing some money around, perhaps? He does handle a lot of it, I'm told.) Noddy! So glad to see you! You'll like our group. We know how to have the most fun, and we're nice about it, too. Generally speaking. (Don't provoke the bunny.)
I just Didn't know about this until just about an hour ago.
Can't get over the fact that I am not even on the ballot.
(Oops...I am on the ballot in this thread!)
(Well...I like that a lot better!)
In any case, I announce my candidacy herewith, etc.
I don't work well in committees...so I will remain Independent.
Vote for me, Frank Apisa.
If I win, it will piss off tons of people...and most of them you don't like worth a shyt anyway!
Nice, Frank. How about "Frank Apisa: Fighting a one-man war against the horrors of bullshyt." Maybe add a "DUN DUN DUNNN!" to the end.
sorry frank but I already voted for Baldimo, someone who can rally the troops with tack and diplomacy.(besides i'm leaving the country this coming week)
How the hell did I get 4 votes? You people are nuts.
oy. That's it - tofu and seaweed for all my constituents.
But Littlek I got 9 votes so it will be prime rib for everyone (just warmed over a match so it's still bloody red)
good thing I didn't vote for you....
dyslexia wrote:But Littlek I got 9 votes so it will be prime rib for everyone (just warmed over a match so it's still bloody red)
Throw in some horseradish, chilled tequila, and a few cold ones and you can have my delegates.
littlek wrote:good thing I didn't vote for you....
I hear that, I didn't vote for me either.
I'm saving my vote for the next election.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:dyslexia wrote:But Littlek I got 9 votes so it will be prime rib for everyone (just warmed over a match so it's still bloody red)
Throw in some horseradish, chilled tequila, and a few cold ones and you can have my delegates.
Too late, already sold my vote to Eva. (however whenever you come to the duke city stop by)