Thu 21 Apr, 2005 03:34 pm
The most anticipated poll of the year.
If you only vote on one poll, make it this one!
Umm... but also please vote on the other two.
Scoates: What is this for? I don't usually go to the politics forums. Thanks.
I don't see Laeknir Scrat anywhere.
I nominate him.
It's for the election of president of A2K.
It's a little too late to nominate more people.
I suppose if I had a list of nine more people besides Scrat, I could make a fourth list.
I can only find two polls. Where did you stash the third one?
ahh, there are two with the same name
Hey, and I nominated Fbaezer didn't I?
who the 'ell nominated me? Was it Noddy retribution?
Well at least I got one vote that wasn't me. I almost feel popular.
I am unexpectedly humbled to be tied for second place in this poll and although I neither expect to win or want to I promise that if I win the primary I will campaign on the inhaled, snorted, and smelled the cigar before and after platform. I will use the power of my office to feather my own nest but will not bullshit around about it and will give the boot to any official who looks like he might have been on Capitol Hill in the Eisenhower years, or would have liked to have been.
It'll be a new day, and a splendid time will be had by all.
And if no one minds my first official act should I be elected will be to allow Bi-Polar Bear to return to A2K and coordinate all smart alecky statements that issue from the office, with assistance of Kicky, Slappy, and Gus. Setanta will be the official historian and will be well compensated by milk bones and belly rubs from ebeth, the official white house madam.
Squinney will be in charge, should she accept the position, of reminding me what a little **** I actually am should I begin to feel too big for my britches. It is my understanding she's had lots of practice with that Bear.
I will lie to everyone, not just neo cons or bleeding heart liberals. I'll be a true uniter, because if elected I promise that in no time all of you, will reach across to one another and ask "What the hell were we thinking?"
You can ask for no more.
It may come as a shock to you to know that should I win your nomination I will ask Gungasnake to be my running mate. Assassination insurance. I'm no dumb ass. :wink:
I must go now, and talk with shewolfn about my campaign strategy to trap all my opponents on film in compromising sexual situations.
Goodnight and God Bless A2K.
Where are the other two polls?
And election day is the 4th? I'll definitely cast my vote. When will the final list of candidates come out?
What is the job do, anyway? Figurehead position?
Or is it absolute control over the lesser peons? Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
Absolute control.
And the final ballot will be presented on May 4th, and available until May 6th, at which point the winner will be announced.
Incidentally, also a figurehead.
Sweet. I love a good popularity contest. I also love figureheads with absolute control; it's great irony.
As a Chicagoan, I'm used to having dead voters casting ballots for live candidates. That's why I cast my vote for Cavfancier. Foot's on the other shoe now!
Joe that was so cold and blatantly opportunistic. I am shocked and dismayed and that's why I ask all decent and God fearing A2Kers to cast their vote for BVT, the "err on the side of life" candidate.
Why on earth are these being moved to the General forum.
Could someone please explain to me why an election for president has nothing to do with politics?
I suppose it's only the principle which bothers me.
To whomever is moving them, I will continue to post these threads in politics, since that is where they fit best. You, of course, are able to move them, but you certainly aren't welcome to.
Let us raise our glasses
Ours is the orbit
Vote for party of masses
Eva, Dag, and Wabbit
Bella Dea, Cee Jay
Each is proud and royal
All wimmins round the world say:
U all rock, hey y'all!
Truth we do represent
You know else you'd resent!