Thu 14 Apr, 2005 07:18 am
The House of Lords(England/UK) has warned that a lack of languague skills could affect employability and understanding of other peoples and cultures.
Not many people are going on the EU-Funded Erasmus programme for example.
There are increasing shortages of languague teachers in Britain.
"shortage of
languague teachers" don't say !
No different in the USA.
This is really embarassing. After two years in Germany (Army tour), I could more or less order food, bevreage, and train tickets, but absolutely not read a newspaper. Thomas, nimh, and Francis on a2k write better than I. Bigdice and Urs talk just like native born Americans.
Recently, business leaders said the same thing with the summer exams, namely that not enough people were passing exams in German and FRENCH.
I'm with you, roger. It might be too late to correct this problem for myself, but I'm going to try damn hard to correct it for my kids.