Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:40 am
This game is simple. Just answer the question to which you'd "rather" with a brief explaination why. Then, make your own "Would you rather...." and add it to the bottom of your post.
Of course, I'll start!
Would you rather....
step in dog poop barefoot or have a bird poop on your head?
Re: Would You Rather.....
Bella Dea wrote:
step in dog poop barefoot or have a bird poop on your head?
Ewwwww I hate both

I guess I'd rather step in dog poop which I have done many times. And trust me, labradors don't leave little poopie piles :wink: Bird poop is harder to get out my hair then dog poop is off my feet.
Would you rather have an arm amputated or a leg?
Arm...don't know why though
Would you rather eat poop or eat toe fungus?
I already did I thread like this
A leg. I could still get around in a wheelchair or on crutches. Wouldn't be able to do a LOT more things without an arm than without a leg.
Would you rather know in advance that you are going to die a quick but horrible death on a given date, or not know how or when and have it be long and painful.
Crazielady420 wrote:Arm...don't know why though
Would you rather eat poop or eat toe fungus?
I already did I thread like this
I knew it! Darn Gus for encouraging me to start this thread.....