Thu 7 Apr, 2005 03:17 pm
I wasn't sure where to put this but my MIL gave my hubby a Beta tape with some footage of him as a baby. We want to keep it but do not have a Beta player and want to transfer it to DVD to make sure it is preserved. What kinds of places do things like that? Who should we call?
if u google "beta to dvd" u should get some leads...
do you have a beta player?
oh, i thought you were hoping to make a dvd player out of an old betamax video player!!!?
[now there's a challenge!]
can be simple if you have a dvr and a beta player
No beta player.
And my hubby is all weird about doing it ourselves. He doesn't want to ruin in.
you may have noticed; i have that kind of mind!
[and willingly admit it!