Wait - are you saying that I should start reading revelation instead of the 'Left Behind' series?
Why do so many Christians read those fictitious biblical books and damn the DaVinci code?
Another example of hypocracy?
Let's do the math. The very character that is the 'professional' in the story is so insane that he has hired killers and killed some himself. There is no reason to discredit Brown's theory - he did that himself, internally.
I think the people that say that Dan Brown is misinformed and has not read the bible - are misinformed and have not read his book.
It, and other types of books like his, are called fiction for a reason.
With all of that said, I think the divine feminine has been ignored for too long in Christianity and Brown's book came along at the right time in history to touch a lot of nerves.
But, go ahead, I am sure he hates the free press. Just like the homosexual Tellatubbies did.
Ray wrote:There are lots of strong/great females in history:
Joan of Arc
Mother Theresa
Queen Victoria
Queen Elizabeth
Mulan (she could have existed, there's an ancient poem about her)
The Viking woman who was in the New World with Leif Erikson (?) I forgot her name
The Spanish woman who fought in a guerilla warfare against Napoleonic troops
The woman (rosa...?)who took x-ray pictures of DNA
ABORT - ABORT. Bad argument being forwarded. Sleeping on the couch in your future! ABORT!
Quote:Ray-Its something in the air, its not about individuals.Men are basically assumed to be better than women.
Material girl, you're right, that's the flaw in society's POV, but it doesn't have to be right?
Quote:I think the fact you couldnt remember half of their names clarifies the fact they arent that great / arent that famous.
I don't equate greatness with fame... I also couldn't remember those explorers of the new world, and who the French King was in the time of Joan of Arc or who the scientists who won the Nobel Prize for their works on DNA's are, and if there are any other person in history that is as dedicated and as nobly altruistic as Mother Theresa was.
Cheer up.
ABORT - ABORT. Bad argument being forwarded. Sleeping on the couch in your future! ABORT!
Omg I've been doing that for the last couple of days.
Must... abort... now.............
ye110man wrote:material girl wrote:Everyday life, all my life I have been given the impression women are second rate citizens.At no point have I ever thought we played a large role at any time in history,completely the opposite.Our main literary character is portrayed as a prostitute,we are paid less than men, we are considered weaker.It is nice to know that at some point we were important.
In that way TDVC was completely new information to me, and I dont think its a bad thing to want to believe it.
I had already known that Mary Magdalene was probably not a prostitute before TDVC was released. But what else did it reveal that would empower women? The Gospel of Thomas that is mentioned is a forgery not to mention that other parts of it are very sexist against women which is another reason why it was so thoroughly rejected. It wasn't written in Aramaic as Dan Brown claims. And so on...
If we were to use true historical evidence, we would find that woman had larger roles in the Church before. No need for conspiracy theories. With the death of JPII there has been a lot of talk in the media of a woman priesthood. While that has no precedent, there were women deaconesses in the early church. Many claim that they were just called "deaconess" but were not ordained into the Holy Orders but there is strong evidence to the contrary. So much evidence that the Orthodox are moving in the direction of ordaining woman deaconesses.
I just finished reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. This guy seriously has something against the Catholic Church. With all the research he did on the Conclave, it's surprising that he got some major facts wrong. There is no rule that only cardinals may be popes as he claims.
The gospel of Thomas is a forgery? I'd like to see the evidence you have to support that.
The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of traditional sayings, prophecies, proverbs, and parables of Jesus. The Coptic Gospel of Thomas was translated from the Greek; in fact, several fragments of this Greek version have been preserved, and can be dated to about 200 C.E. Thus the Greek (or even or Aramaic) collection was composed in the period before about 200 C.E., possibly as early as the second half of the first century, in Syria, Palestine, or Mesopotamia. The authorship of the Gospel of Thomas is attributed to Didymos Judas Thomas, that is, Judas "the Twin," who was an apostle of Jesus.
Where is the evidence that it is a forgery??
where is the evidence against it? come on, it happened 2000 years ago, we'll never know will we? Basically people who want to believe in christianity will say 'no its not a forge' and will use all the evidence they have to point that out, and then the people who think gods, gay, dead, a **** or doesnt exist will twist the facts round to say 'yes it is.' History has always been like that, and historians will always do that. When will they ever admitt 'we dont know?'
i do like the idea of 'the winners writting the history' though, dan brown has certainly got a point there.
and about the sacred femminine, I think that women have always been second place since the dawn of time. Thank god i was born in the 20th century.
It infuriates me that women can never win. This isnt just in the outside world its with my friends too.
Take this examples:
I was at a party the other day, and the guys started arm wrestling one another. Well im not large by any means but i thought i'd have a go anyway because i am very strong through going to gym. Neway, i beat all of them apart from one, and so i get called a man by all the ones that i beat, and the one that beat me gloats to high heaven and calls all the ones that i beat 'girls'!!
anyway, its a silly example really (and i have loads more that i wont bore you with) but it demonstrates that even within friendship circles, women take 2nd place. Why? gggggrrrrrrrr its so annoying!!!!!!!
here is a joke that may back my opinion up:
Q: What do you call a woman who sleeps around?
A: a slag
Q: What do you call a man who sleeps around?
A: A god.
some things just arent fair.