Wed 30 Mar, 2005 10:00 am
We have two lap dogs, a welsh corgey and a toy poodle.
We rescude both, my husband had Lucky (corgey) for 2 yrs prior to our marriage and we adopted Elvis about 5 months ago..
Lucky never barked, he was always a well behaved dog. If we move his bed he learns real quick and doesn't pee in the house... as long as he is in a closed area. That is until we brought home Elvis.
At first Elvis was very scared and rightly so. He sleeps in our bed and doesn't pee as long as we are there. But in the past 3 weeks, my husband and I have been leaving home 1 hr earlier. We go to the gym at 4:30 am and put the dogs out. Last week our son called me at work, he said the police had gone to our house because they received a complaint about our dogs barking.
Yesterday we got a letter, it said something like your neighbors are complaing about your dogs. If you don't handle the matter it would lead to further "complicated" action. At the end of the letter it said that if we needed help they would send out a animal control officer. What the heck is the officer going to do? Stay home with the dogs and play with them until the sun comes out or all the neighbors wake up? I’m just upset… How can we keep the dogs from barking?
We know they bark because we put them out and they know the boys are still inside the house and they want to be in there with them.
Any ideas on how to keep dogs from barking, besides a muzzle.
Don't leave your dogs out unattended at that time of morning. It's unfair to the dogs and to the neighbors.
No, they will come and fine you for disturbing the peace. And check to make sure you are properly caring for the animals.
I agree with Synon. Don't leave them out. They are telling you they don't like it. Let the out to pee and let them back in to sleep with the boys.
Why can't the boys put them out when THEY leave?
I agree with all of you. Leaving the dogs out at 4:30 is unfair to both the dogs and the neighbors. I guess I'm more upset that someone would complain about the noise.
One of our neighbors' kid plays the drums at all hours of the day and night. And another one has parties that start at 2 and 3 am during the week..
We are good friends with the neighbors on both sides of our house up to 3 houses down and across the street. We don't know the party neighbors but we did talk with the rest of our neighbors and apologized for the dogs.
They all said they didn't have a problem with them so we are under the assumption it was the party people who complained.
None the less we are trying to work something out so that the dogs are not out in the back yard until 8:30 am.
I was just wondering if there is a way to train dogs not to bark.
We have a beagle who decided last year to start barking after the other neghborhood dogs reacted to some late night disturbances in the area. The dogs for blocks were going crazy barking. Found out there had been several break ins.
Anyways, for several weeks after that, Gracie wanted to go out at night. I assume she felt important as part of the "midnight Bark Line."
We purchased a bark collar. (About $50) It has a box with a battery at her throat. when she barks it puts out a high pitched sound that she doesn't like. She associated barking with that sound and stopped barking.
Now she only wears it when she goes outside.
Wouldn't recommend one that shocks or physically harms them.
Eva- the dogs want to play when we get ready. So what we are doing is putting them in the garage and when the boys wake up the let them back in. When they leave for school they put them out in the yard.
Squinney - I will have to look into that collar. As a matter of fact that's what is going on with our dogs. They didn't bark before but now all of a sudden they hear the other neighbors dogs and they start barking to.
Thanks for the info Phoenix
My wife insists on having a dog here in Camp. I'm offshore four nights a week, and she feels a lot better having a dog in the house.
This dog she has now is just too good of a watchdog. If ANYONE walks down the street he starts barking at the top of his lungs. If the sprinklers start outside - barking at the top of his lungs. Crows land in the backyard - barking at the top of his lungs.
I've never been a dog person, but I've just about had it. (fortunately, there are only two other houses on the street occupied, and no one has complained yet).
This is the kind (not the brand, but looks identical)we have that has been very successful.
I like dogs, i'm a dog guy, but a constantly barking dog makes me want to kill it and kill eveything and everybody within my reach. It drives me crazy. My dog also has a bark collar and it's a great investment. It could save a life.
Jim wrote:My wife insists on having a dog here in Camp. I'm offshore four nights a week, and she feels a lot better having a dog in the house.
Inquiring minds want to know... Jim what branch of the military do you server?
UPDATE: My husband went to a pet store and purchased a collar that "shocks" the dog when it barks. It came with a video and according to the tape it does not harm the dogs. It startles them, at least the first time... We put it on Elvi and he didn't bark when he had it on. I think we are going to use the collar until we train him not to bark and then use it on Lucky.
Chispita73 - I'm not in the Service. I'm an engineer working for the Saudi State Oil Company. My wife and our kids (before they went back to the States for school) live in a company compound about an hour north of Dhahran on the Gulf. Actually it's a pretty nice place. I work on a Production Platform in the middle of the Gulf about 250 km north of there.
I honestly don't like the idea of the collar shocking the dogs. I do love the one with the sound though. Any chance you guys could get one of those instead.
Montana wrote:I honestly don't like the idea of the collar shocking the dogs. I do love the one with the sound though. Any chance you guys could get one of those instead.
Montana- i was not very happy about the shocking collar but it worked. We actually don't have to use it very much anymore...

I took some of the advice and we let the dogs in whenever we are home, and put them out when they need to take care of business... They are much happier as are we and our neighbors.
I was pretty impressed with how quick our dogs learned not to bark. A week later 2 of the neighbors asked if we had gotten rid of the dogs because they hadn't heard any barking.
That's great news chispita. I love a happy ending :-)
chispita73- Wonderful-I am so glad that you worked things out. And now you have happier dogs, as well as happy neighbors. A win-win situation!
chispita73 wrote:
I was pretty impressed with how quick our dogs learned not to bark. A week later 2 of the neighbors asked if we had gotten rid of the dogs because they hadn't heard any barking.
Of course they stopped barking quickly....barking is now associated with a shock.
Put that collar on yourself and see how much it "doesn't hurt". I worked at a pet store and am very against those shock collars. We were all asked to try them out to see what they were really like because many people want to buy them not knowing how much of a "startle" they send. Almost knocked me down. It hurt.
squinney wrote:
We purchased a bark collar. (About $50) It has a box with a battery at her throat. when she barks it puts out a high pitched sound that she doesn't like. She associated barking with that sound and stopped barking.
Wouldn't recommend one that shocks or physically harms them.
This is the kind of collar you should get to stop dogs from barking. They associate an unpleasant event to barking, not pain.