<hey partyfiend, I sent you a p m a while back>
Hi Clary,
Oops sorry. I stopped looking at the PM thing when I realised I probably wasn't going to get any. Anyway, I can't reply to it (I don't have PM "rights" yet). Edit [Moderator]: Link removed is what you were asking about. Let me know if you think it works as a game. Now I'd better get back to work :wink:
See you,
Fartypiend (beginning to prefer this nick...)
and back to the game:
heartacne - cardiac problem, mostly affects teenagers in love.
thanks for the reply, and love heartacne! Will check out the game...
It's weird, fun because I came out better than my 3 sons in practically every category.
But I don't see how it could be a game here (didn't score on creativity obviously!!)
weddung--truely atrocious gifts received by newlyweds.
newlybeds - newlyweds in waiting
marryage - the age at which people can legally get a marriage license.
wrunkly - having the face and character of a benevolent elderly uncle
If anyone knows a moderator and can get me PM privileges, that would be great. Clary, thanks for your comments. I've made some changes to the game, and it is much nicer now (could you have another look please?). I never thought it would be suitable or adaptable to this forum, sorry if I gave that impression.
afrobat - agile winged rodent with "hairstyle of tight curls in a full evenly rounded shape"
labrarian--person who catalogs blood test results.
Had another look, fartypiend, and it's a bit easier to see what's going on - quite fun! Difficult if like me you have unusual names in your entourage. But good nonetheless.
weighbours - neighbours who go in for competitive slimming (I need one!)
drumslick - spillage of percussion equipment after road accident
first aid kite - handy if you cut yourself a few hundred feet off the ground on a windy day.
exacrebating - winding up people in posh houses with big estates by talking about the poor, homeless etc
Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously.
Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a refund from the Taxation Office, which lasts until you realise it
was your money to start with.
Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these, really bad vibes, right? And then,
like, the Earth explodes and it's like a serious bummer.
Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease.
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who doesn't get it.
Those were in the original Washington Post list.
estrate - the cost of a 1970s awareness seminar
disredit - to make a mistake while reading
deependent - a Tolkein creature that likes swimming and diving
parados - parades in which everyone walks backwards
uninsibited - only child
pestiches - sketches of insects
femail = internet correspondence between women
homicida = godess of murder
genicide - killing off the intelligentsia