Sun 27 Mar, 2005 11:18 pm
Well....? Debate!
What an original subject...
OK, one more time. To me the Bible is a tremendous effort, by many primitive peoples, to codify history, mores, ethics and early philosophy.
Although I respect the work as one of the most important historical artifacts still in existence, I perceive it as just that, nothing more.
The Bible was written by people who knew so much less than we do now about how the world works. It is naturally colored with often naive explanations and pronouncements.
For the most part it is a book of myths and fiction with a distorted historical fact or two thrown in.
Do you believe in the tooth fairy?
I believe the bible is one of many fascinatin' myth-and-tradition repositories, all replete with hero-and-villain tales, moral lessons, and illogical forays into the paranormal - pretty much superstition-as-social-code-by-way-of-partisanly-interpreted-dogmatic-psuedohistory, for lack of a better term. For a single word, "Propaganda" serves well.