Okay, looks like we have some interest here, welcome!
Heres the link to the 2001 US Fish and Wildlife Survey
Over 82 million U.S. residents 16 years old and older fished, hunted, or wildlife watched in 2001. During that year, 34.1 million people fished, 13.0 million hunted, and 66.1 million participated in at least one type of wildlife-watching activity including observing, feeding, or photographing wildlife.
Wildlife recreationists' avidity was reflected in their spending which totaled $108 billion in 2001. This amounted to 1.1% of the GDP. Of the total amount spent, $28 billion was for trips, $64 billion for equipment, and $16 billion for other items.
Sportspersons spent a total of $70 billion in 2001—$36 billion on fishing, $21 billion on hunting, and $14 billion on items used for both hunting and fishing (the sum of expenditures totals $71 billion due to rounding). Wildlife watchers spent $38 billion on trips, equipment, and other items.