HofT wrote:It's not funny and you shouldn't laugh. Researchers in many fields are being told that to get funding they must recycle their focus to what's effectively cargo cult science.
Post-neo-medievalism - or whatever it's called - is next unless we stop laughing and do something about it.
Hoft - I think that this sort of satire IS doing something about it.
I think it is not sufficient, of course - but with your current government's religious attitudes, I do not see what else a magazine like SA can do - but there are many scientific lobby groups etc.
I would be very interested in ideas you might have for action - I share your serious concerns about science in the US. I am personally on an alert system for a group of scientists concerned about what is happening - and I sign petitions etc (though, as a foreigner, I doubt I have any effect)
But - I do think this sort of satire is a stroke of genius. Laughing at idiotic policies and proponents of pseudo-science babble can have a very salutory effect, I think.