ebrown_p wrote:Quote:
Enables Europe to continue to fund a welfare society that, generally speaking, results in a relatively docile version of, historically, one of the most violent populations on the face of the Earth.
Was this intended to be funny? (This is either very intelligent subtle satire or very stupid conservative blather. I can't tell.)
Do you know where US history started?
You're reliable if nothing else ebrown.
The dilemma of the modern Liberal: All he has been taught and holds dear tells him that Colonial, Crusading, White, Male Dominated, Militaristic, Christian Europe should be beneath his contempt, and yet it, currently, represents some sort of progressive Utopia, scrubbed clean of its past sins by an anti-Americanism that modern Liberals find so utterly irresistible.
Assuming America is every bit as violent a region as Europe (and why should it not be, considering it's parentage), as the Old Europeans are so fond of telling us Yank upstarts, America is historically a juvenile compared to their proud continent. By such measure, it only stands to reason that as Europe eclipses America in terms of culture, so too it eclipses it in terms of violent heritage.