Superstition usually has it basis in fear. Example: Man has a black cat cross in front of him... he takes another route, fearing bad luck.
Or a woman says the same word twice or drops her towel in the floor, so she throws a bit of salt over her shoulder to change her luck-- (truth is she is likely very tired and merely needs to rest
FAith is explained best in Hebrews 12.
It is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, and the EVIDENCE of things not seen... (emphasis mine)
Reading through the long and thoughtful post of Cre8, I realize he is trying to grasp the whole of the Word of God since the beginning. Jesus preached, 'the law and the prophets are summed up by saying, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.'
It just seems to me (maybe I am wrong)-- that the reason people would compare Faith in God to superstition, is because they are searching for a general way to escape hell, (punishment)- and they have no desire to search the HEART of God by prayer. They want assurance they will go into heaven to live eternally with 'saints' (made such by the power of forgiveness and grace).
Yet, heaven would NOT be 'heaven' if it were to be a copy of earth and it's finite and selfish beings.
Without understanding the heartfelt joy the believer experiences when he/she comes to God in Faith and accepts the free gift of Salvation-
it is not too hard to see why one would think they are just 'guessing' they have something.
Still, we bow in prayer and thankfulness, the Lord is merciful and longsuffering- He will not come back until He is SURE everyone who WILL, has submitted his life into HIS keeping.
Faith has its basis in LOVE.