Wed 15 Aug, 2018 03:58 am
i have recently had a new mobile phone and had forgotten my facebook password and no longer had access to my email address I used to register (it's deleted too so no way of accessing) , i followed the steps and had 3 Facebook friends send me verification codes, i then reset my password which logged me out of Facebook on my other devices, I got notification saying we'll send you an email to your new email address - Gmail.... this email never arrived and from reading online i need to change a setting on Facebook to allow the email to get to my gmail account but i can't get into my Facebook because i first need to verify my email because I've changed my password... what can I do? please help i need Facebook to run my business also as I have a linked Facebook business page
Check again and go through the steps to have them re-send the email. Check your spam folder, etc.
If you can get in, in any capacity (and you were in via your new phone, yes?) then confirm the email that way.